
Ukraine: Russia zerstört MiG-29-Kampfjet

Ukraine: Russia zerstört MiG-29-Kampfjet

They had a MiG-29-Kampfjet at a Militärstützpunkt in Dnipro, Russia. The area is very similar to Visier von Moskau.

First, Donnerstag said that Russia had left the new Mittelstreckenrakete Oreschnik with Dnipro Stadt. Experts are knowledgeable about the best use of nuclear weapons. President Putin preferred Oreschnik, conceived in mass production.

A region of Dnipro is not a region where Ziel is a Russian Angriff. This is a special example of the MiG-29-Kampfflugzeug.

When there was a huge explosion and war in Ukraine, nothing was shown on video or video.

The MiG-29 is a fighter aircraft of Bauart, Ukraine’s Verteidigung genutzt as well as fighter aircraft.