
Honeywell – HON: split in Sicht

Honeywell – HON: split in Sicht

News from Finansanznachrichten

Unterstützung Courses at Honeywell-Aktie (HON)

Focus on Automated Technology, Aviation and Energy Conversion!

Honeywell (HON) – ISIN US4385161066

Rückblick: Chartbild, I met Gap Up between 11th and 12th November at Honeywell-Aktie. Aufwärtstrend’s 16.5 Procent Kursplus is finished with a high-quality Ausgangslage. The Rücksetzer in the Allzeithoch was in a Seitwärtsrange and was with the Tageskerze, which Freitag had in a better position.

Honeywell-Aktie: Chart vom 23.11.2024, Kürzel: HON Course: 229.11 USD, Tageschart Quelle: TWS

Mögliches chokes Szenario

Beim Niveau des Schlusskurses vom Freitag liegt ein activates Kaufsignal vor. The investor sells the best Einstiegsgelegenheit suchen during the day. Kursziel was in Allzeithoch on 12 November.

Mögliches barisches Szenario

Honeywell Current Courses are optimally adapted to the Spin-off plan. This is among a series of important action plans as part of Linie’s next phase, Stop Loss in Gestalt.


Honeywell has a higher valuation with a gain of 16.5 and is one of the best performers in the analysis. Ergebnisse Factory with a New Strategic Strategy: US-Konzern in Charlotte, North Carolina will acquire Sparte “Advanced Materials” at the end of 2025. This is “Aklar”-Fluoropolymerfoline (PCTFE), a versatile and modern technology made of high-molecular polyethylene for production and production for military and medical technologies. Honeywell’s restructuring companies with a Kern portfolio include: Automation technology, Aerospace Energy Conversion.

Quellennachweise, Mögliche Interessenskonflikte, Meinung und sonstige Daten

  • Market capital: 150.97 Mrd. USD
  • Durchschnittsvolumen der letzten 20 Tag: none
  • Honeywell’s Meine Meinung is nonsense.
  • Quellennachweis:
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 24.11.2024
  • Author: Thomas Canali

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