
Deutsch-Englisches Country House in Niedersachsen

Deutsch-Englisches Country House in Niedersachsen

The glove from Niedersachsen is a gift from Britannien. Nicole and former actor Mann Alan were found at their home.

Nicole and the two actors Mann Alan designed Neubau very well, which was also a member of Alans Heimat Südengland. Für den Bau ihres German-English Country Houses has another Steine ​​​​and another Baustoffe Verwendet. The idyllic Backsteinbau is beautiful, but also something even more beautiful. So in Niedersachsen we are part of Britain. Take advantage of what Baumaterial offers us Details – Summer Houses are always one of the highlights and among the most important products for historical materials.

Ein Hauch von Britannien and Herzen Niedersachsens

A nice anecdote from a Dorfbewohner, the greatest battle of war was the sinking of the Cottage in one day. Even though we are new homeowners, this is a very nice thing. Diese Geschichte zeigt, wie sich der Neubau, in the most active and historical Kern des Dorfes of the best Dorfstruktur.

Historical Baumaterialien machen das Cottage besonders

Cottages in Gestaltung hosted Alan and Nicole, Maurerbetrieb weiterführt after tonight, historical materials verwendet. That’s why it’s so nice to have a Straßensanierung in the Stadt in another Kopfsteinpflaster Freigelegt. Pflaster arranged to bring Nicole and Alan together in Morocco. The Backsteine ​​and Dachziegel des Hauses are from the former Baustoffhandlern and are more than 200 years old. Die Dachziegel et handgeformt was a character with a character.

A Beautiful Küche with Rustikalem Charme

A Highlight von Nicoles Cottage is an individual home. Die Backsteine, die hier wendet wurden, stamen von der Außenfassade einer altern Fabrik. Küche is a very good choice with a large number of Segmentbögen and comes with a large number of kombiniert. Make the most of Cotto-Fliesen, die in rustic and warm charm.

A Grundstück and Überraschender Vergangenheit

Das Grundstück, gebaut wurde of the German-British Cottage, fighting a Schlittschuhwiese des Dorfes. The winter season is very beautiful, so is the status and greatness of Wasser. Like everywhere, there is also a distance below the Oberfläche and a distance of 20 Meters. This error-free herausforderung concludes a drainage masnahmen regarding drainage in houses and houses, one of the best wastes in the Grundstücksrand and Grabens.

The tradition of Nachhaltigkeit

Das Cottage von Familie Berry is a traditional paradebeispiel game with a traditional and modern hand-holding. This is a Geschichten Erzählt und gleichzeitig ein gemütliches Zuhause.

Nachhaltiges Bauen with historical Baustoffen

Baumaterial, a world-class historian and a creative Bauweise, is a school that exists in Neubau and also exists in Australia. In terms of materials and material planning and use are very important, this summer house is a house with a beautiful and attractive appearance.