
Crash beim Überholen: B10 ve Unfall gesperrt

Crash beim Überholen: B10 ve Unfall gesperrt

The Bundesstraße hosts Unfall as a BMW and a Lastwagen at the Montagnachmittag in the Fahrtrichtung Stuttgart.


Here’s the article

Sandra Schröder

Illustration - Polizei

Die Polizei should pass B10 at Richtung Stuttgart and once again drop to Montagnachmittag for Stunde sperren.

Marijan Murat/dpa

Gesamtschaden von etwa 80,000 Euros

An SUV is sold from Totalschaden for 70,000 euros, while Schaden is sold from Lastwagen Polizei for between 10,000 and 15,000 euros. It is thought that for the first time a Polizei will not fight against Unfallursache, and the charge will also charge before Leitplanke, when it encounters nothing but Unfall and returns.