
Im Schatten Russlands – Ukraine im TV – Sendung

Im Schatten Russlands – Ukraine im TV – Sendung

For 30 years we have gathered in Sowjetunion, and Nachbarland has been published in Ukraine 15 times in the Republic. This is a schmerzhafte Trennung voller Gewalt.

Diese Folge der Dokumentationsreihe “Im Schatten Russlands” is the Porträt of Ukraine: a Country, das eigenständig and the capital of the West and a country that Russia will lose. In February 2022, Putin stopped Prozess with Waffengewalt and Krieg.

Russian President Putin launched a war on Brüderlichkeit Legends in Ukraine – a year later, through the states. Seine Debate: Ukraine has its own unique identity, and there will also be negative flows before the West.

Documents Leave Arguments and Analysis of Conflicts Behind. Paint a portrait of a country on the streets of the West and delve into the wider Russia of Schatten. A country with a big problem, oligarchy and corruption, together with a simple Zivilgesellschaft and national identity.

ZDFinfo piece: We are Selensky and reunited once again? What is the relationship between Krieg and Russia’s Bevölkerung zusammen? And are these lands governed very well by Western and military leader Putins? Expertise and Expertise is a product of personalized Ukrainian Bürger.

30 years of Republics were published in Koloss Sowjetunion and 15 in Unabhängigkeit. Was this something new? And is there something big in Schatten Russia? ZDFinfo is hidden in Doku-Reihe. (Sender information)