
DHDL-Rückkehr: Herbst’s Frank Thelen 2025 Jury Leader

DHDL-Rückkehr: Herbst’s Frank Thelen 2025 Jury Leader

Alt-Löwe ​​further increased his jury membership in the senior Staffel called “Die Höhle der Löwen”. Gleichzeitig Verlassen Tillman Schulz and Tijen Onaran were in the jury.

DHDL-Rückkehr: Herbst’s Frank Thelen 2025 Jury Leader

Frank Thelen took part in Battle 2019 as a jury member of the Startup-Castingshow. Jetzt staged a comeback.
Lisa Kempke for Gründerszene

A Mini-Comeback, courtesy of Staffel “Die Höhle der Löwen” bereits gegeben. Frank Thelen meets top Widersacher Jochen Schweizer as Gast in the 10th Anniversary cast. Wie Gründerszene took off someone else’s hat, something that the TV-Publikum was bald and Thelen could do more. The investor is among the numerous staff, both at Frühjahr and Herbst worldwide, he also takes part as a jury member at the Startup-Castingshow at Vox Zurück.

A Dutzend Drehtagen was something I haven’t seen very often yet, alteingesessene Löwen, at the nearest Vergangenheit bis zu 20 Drehtage. Dennoch allowed Thelen to go to Co-Löwen Judith Williams, Janna Ensthaler, Dagmar Wöhrl, Ralf Dümmel or Carsten Maschmeyer. Auf Nachfrage will bring together Thelen noch Vox/RTL and Comeback.

Tillman Schulz’s plan

The same Leserinnen and Lesern can be used with more names. Tillman Schulz told the Gründerszene of the Produktionsumfeld that the DHDL Jury could not have known more. Staff have concerns about Germany’s presence in Austria and Austria, as in the capital of Löwen, late at night. Gilded Gleiches for Tijen Onaran died in Ausscheiden by the end of September with a very large Medineufschlag bekannt gemacht hatte.

at least

The Battle of Onaran was not announced. Be Reibungen with a Löwen learn more, learn more Insider feedback. Eineinhalb Jahre fought for a long time with the Unternehmerin Teil of the Investment Jury. Overall, Staffel von DHDL combat makes Onaran’s combat difficult. Startups of Kinderbrillen-Startups sei Onaran “herablassend”, “respektlos” ve “feministisch” begegnet. So we got the best of Linkedin’s genius aeronautics and everything went well. On the night sent, there was another with Judith Williams and Dagmar Wöhrl, and this was an important step for the betterment of those who later repaired it.

Solche Szenen is a name that Frank Thelen has never met and former juror Jochen Schweizer has never met with one or another Duelist. Thelen is not the best known, but Insider’s reach for Löwenriege ab Herbst is full. Vox-Fernsehshow War Thelen Another year has passed in 2019, once again “raus” – ladies an Investment Möglichkeit, extremely not ganz. We won a new technology investment and a new investment right in a hut, which was a women’s business. Für die Dreharbeiten komme seine eigene Investmentgesellschaft zu kurz.

Rückläufige Zuschauerzahlen

Obwohl Thelen die Show während seiner activaten Zeit immer wieder gelobt hat, ließ er zu seinem Ausstieg etwas Ernüchterung durchblicken. So, there’s an opportunity to have some fun, damn it, let’s have fun one more time. Das sei für ihn als Technologie-The investor is a businessman, so Thelen, Weil ihn zum Beispiel Schnuller-Spender And Rattenfallen for yacht It’s not interesting at all. Some Investments were favored by Passiert and Mode-Startup Von Floerke. Zwischen from Investor and Von-Floerke-Gründer Öffentlichen AuseinandersetzungenMode-Startup is not a rich product and it has nothing to do with alcohol. Staatsanwaltschaft Ermittelte Gegen den Kill Grunder wegen Insolvenzverschleppung.

In this case, we think some of the caveats could be much greater. Im Vergleich zu 2019, as Thelen noch fester Bestandsteil der Löwen-Jüri war, halbierten sie sich von durchschnittlich 2.8 Million Zuschauern pro Folge auf laut Posted by Reached 1.4 Million. Den Rückgang allein auf das Ausscheiden Thelens zurückzuführen, wäre naturally given. This suggests that Vox and Sendermutter RTL can own several more brands along with Alt-Löwen, using Hoffnung.