
Gemälde von Sylvester Stallone for US$410,000

Gemälde von Sylvester Stallone for US0,000

Sylvester Stallone was able to quickly participate in a Million US Dollar auction for AIDS, bringing more money to men.

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  • Sylvester Stallone lies in Gemälde’s version of “Knocking Heads” at a Gala der Stiftung in Las Vegas.
  • The Kunstwerk des Schauspielers brachte ein 410’000 US Dollars.
  • Das Gemälde came with “Creed II”, along with a lot of farben and a new Gesichter.
  • Works of Art won a Gastrolle in the Stallones Series “Tulsa King” for $300,000.
  • Stallone and seine Frau wurden mit einem won the Inspiration Award.

We couldn’t find anything: Sylvester Stallone (78) malt. Nicht Vollzeit als Profi, aber anscheinend very brave, dass jemand bereit war, ihm zu zuahlen for a work of art of 410’000 US Dollars (umgerechnet rund 367’000 Franken).

So a Stiftung Gala for AIDS-Forschung, dying in a Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung ausrichtete in Las Vegas. Dort worked with the “Rocky” Star and met with Miss Jennifer Flavin (56). Das Paar was awarded an Inspiration Award for Charity-Einsatz at Anlass.

Durch den Abend führte Jay Leno (74), Der sich erst kürzlich durch einen schweren Sturz erhebliche Blessuren zzog. Insgesamt am Abend laut «Hollywood Reporter» Value of über Million US Dollars.

Gemälde falls between “Knocking Heads” and “Creed II”

Spending a huge amount of money was a versatile gem that Sylvester Stallone is a very valuable person. Quickly, a Million US Dollars went far from Besitzer.

Titled “Banging Heads”, the Artwork falls between Grün-, Gelb- and Rottöne. Darauf saw a new Gesichter and a Darstellung of Stallone as the iconic character of Rocky Balboa. “The Hollywood Reporter” resurfaced once again following “Creed II.”

Works of Art once again utilized Staffel’s version of “Tulsa King.” The series has moved to Paramount+ with Sylvester Stallone. David Glasser (53), Series Producer, once again Walking-Rolling on Screen and died for 300’000 US Dollars (umgerechnet 268’000 Franken).

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