
Aston Bay – Zwei new, better descriptive Kupferziele

Aston Bay – Zwei new, better descriptive Kupferziele

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It is Storm-Projekt’s 110 Kilometer Kupfergürtel in Aston Bay. Kein Wunder got even deeper with the new Ziele on board.

Storm-Kupfer Projects on Somerset Island in the Canadian Province of Nunavut is More than 110 Kilometers Away. Angesichts dieser Größe ist es naheliegend, dass Aston Bay (TSX.V: MR, FSE: 6AY, WKN: A2AUFP) Project Research with Partner American West Metals has become a new and interesting topic. New sea winds and Lagerstätten like Seabreeze and Hailstorm.

Camp auf Storm; Quelle: Aston Bay

During the losses in Vergangenheit, Stormprojekt caused some changes that define the Kupferlagerstätt in Tiefe and Rändern. Gleichzeitig is a benefit of Partners, new Lagerstätten before discovering Projects that have never been identified. You have purchased the new Zielgebiet Seabreeze.

There is a distance of 110 Kilometers in the northwest and a distance of more than a kilometer. Another high gravity caused the gravity to decrease as part of the Allen-Bay-Formation. Damit wiederholt sich die stratigrafische Wirtsform ile hohen Kupfer-, silver and Zinkgehalten, as part of the Storm-Kupferlagerstätten, also awaits another Stelle.

Ebenfalls is nothing more than Hailstorm-Lagerstätte. These geological conditions are high-grade and high-grade geological structures such as Chinook, Thunder, Lightning Ridge and Corona. Geological maps for the Western Gesteins of the Americas have a 50% higher value. So, a large amount of 250 goods 250 Meters caused an increase once again.

Tornado und Tempest is an event designed at its best

Auch bei der Erweiterung der bereits erkannten Lagerstätten kommen die Partner gut voran. Therefore Tornado is nothing more than Grenze with Moving Loop Electromagnetics (MLEM) which is not really a descriptor. The new funds are located in Streichrichtung and are miles away from Storm-Lagerstätten.

After the battle of Erfreulich, everything is going well and one day Stellen niedergebracht wurden and abnormal hohe Kupfer-, Silber- und Zinkwerte durchschnitten haben. Bohrungen became one of the Tornado-Lagerstätte and one of the most interesting interesting subjects, with the introduction of the best mineralization models of the American West and the best.

In the 40-kilometer run on the Tempest-Prospekt, the Kupferlagers suffered abnormal falls, as noted by Kupfer, Zink and Silberwert. Ihre Stratigraphie includes Stil, which is part of Storm-Lagerstätten. The definition of a Zielgebiet along the one kilometer zone had an increase of 38.2% and a Kupfergehalt of 30.8%. Damn, the Region is also so interesting that it is also higher in Zukunft Folgebohrungen vorgesehen sind.

Old Source Schätzung did nothing

Shortly afterwards, American West and Aston Bay Holdings in the Entwicklung of Storm Projects arrived with Weg’s Spannung resource update from the former major Erfolg. This is a study in a wide range of trainings and is one of Monate’s major highlights.

This is an investment of activity and interest and consists of large projects and they are also considered a business partner. Much more than the remaining projects and in common, the Resources in Zukunft can be optimally used, so that the majority of Storm Projects can also be used on their own.

Aston Bay Holdings and American West came up with a good geological model and a long-term project where the best geological models, Messungen and Bohrungen, were instrumental in the construction of Erzkörper. Hell, there’s no way to ever tap into a resource, so it’s possible to get something one day and the next.

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