
Comment from RTL WEST Chef Jörg Zajonc

Comment from RTL WEST Chef Jörg Zajonc

RTL WEST is valid for current Themes in Nordrhein-Westfalen. In the Bundesland, from 30 minutes to 18 hours, all Nachrichten live broadcasts took place on RTL WEST. Join the Studio or stream live on Ort, which offers the best entertainment.

News from RTL and RTL WEST in North Rhine-Westphalia, 18 Million Einwohners were informed about the new arrivals. RTL WEST is a place with a lot of people and themes. Inhaltlich is Rolle in a Kindergarten, Sicherheit or Brücken-Problem, a large Politik, Klein Leute or Mitte der Gesellschaft. Egal in the Westfalen, the Ruhrgebiet or the Rhineland – RTL WEST is immersed in the stars and up to date on the regionally relevant Geschauer and Zuschauer.

Der Anspruch? RTL WEST is much more – in all Fake News – as a newsletter every day, a news that allows us to spend much more time. It is impossible never to polarize the RTL-Tochter and not allow the Meinungsbildung to deteriorate. Bestimmten Dingen soll und muss nachgegangen werden. RTL WEST prefers Zuschauer in Constructive News Denkanstöße and Lösungen, but nothing bad besides the mainstream ones.

Die Sendung wird im eigenen Studio, am Standort der Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland GmbH, Köln-Deutz, producer. RTL WEST allows you to perform all detailed editing. Documentaries on Classic TV Interviews and Interviews. We have once again become a popular event on Social Media and are also very popular on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

RTL WEST bedeutet: Rund um die Uhr interessante Nachrichten aus NRW.