
OneGx 2: Die System is Laptop-Handheld Hybrid with Doppeltatur

OneGx 2: Die System is Laptop-Handheld Hybrid with Doppeltatur

Der OneGx 2 hat sich in einem ersten Teaser gezeigt (Bildquelle: One-Netbook)
Der OneGx 2 hat sich in einem ersten Teaser gezeigt (Bildquelle: One-Netbook)

OneGx 2 is a new Laptop, has different Tastatur-Layouts and can be used with an external graphics card. This model works with an RGB beleuchtung and offers a video playback service.

Hersteller One-Netbook has a wide range of Video Games and related devices. OneGx2 A new laptop in Pipeline. Dabei hat das Unternehmen das Modell noch in Detail vorgestellt, warnings schon angeteasert – and with a video. These dies contain detailed information and details of the APU, which is very good in terms of Overall Design and Functionality. This is all very obvious, but Nutzer has not completed the data transfer of the data chips, so it is not possible for OCuLink to create a graphics card and not create an external graphics card. USB Type C and Type A cables are used to connect and reduce connection loss with USB Type C and USB Type C.

OneGx 2 is a base for a laptop and can also be used with a display. Zu sehen ist eine typische Tastatur – aber nicht nur. This is also present in the video and Layout needs to be used longer. Use an alternative Tastatur zum Vorschein. All these features bring much more concern and much more with OneGx 2 and Handheld Gaming-Handheld. There are many, from Analogsticks to Vorschein. Greater data transfer than the OneGx 1 provides a functionality-rich feature set for more features, while also allowing for further differentiation of models.

Es sind quasi zwei Tastaturen übereinander verbaut (Bildquelle: One-Netbook)
Es sind quasi zwei Tastaturen übereinander verbaut (Bildquelle: One-Netbook)
Joysticks fehlen nicht (Bildquelle: One-Netbook)
Joysticks fehlen nicht (Bildquelle: One-Netbook)