
Mega-Aufholjagd von Trauner and Feyenoord

Mega-Aufholjagd von Trauner and Feyenoord

Manchester City did not allow Niederlagen to go to Folge on Siegerstraße.

Pep Guardiola’s Team took part in the UEFA Champions League after Drei-Tore-Führung in Sieg.

Erling Haaland spoke to an Elfmeter at Minute 42. Zuvor (20th) prevailed in the Kopfball duel of ÖFB-Legionär Gernot Trauner and placed Ball on Stange.

The city is with Sieger

In Durchgang, Lawine needed to understand him. İlkay Gündoğan (50th) fought back with a score of 2:0 for a perfect start. Nur zwei Minuten quickly reached Haaland and Nunes-Vorarbeit 3:0 ab. Das Spiel schien entschieden.

In the Citys Hintermannschaft, Fehler’s disaster brought Spannung to the party with Moussa (75th) at 1:3. In a minute he appeared in Person von Santiago Gimenez per Brust der Anschlusstreffer in Rotterdam.

Lewandowski managed to die 100 times! Die ewige CL-Torschützenliste

Die Partie ist wieder heiß. There is a perfect feeling at the 89th minute: Feyenoord City im eigenen Stadion aus. Ederson ran 20 Meters according to the ball’s trajectory. Flanke von Igor Paixao followed David Hancko once again.

Barcelona wet 100. Lewandowski-Treffer

Barcelona laid siege to the UEFA Champions League Überraschungsteam Stadium Brest’s Spieltag. The game started Maß after the Catalans: Robert Lewandowski played in 1:0 minutes per Elfmetre.

Es war sein 100. Tor in der Königsklasse (hier nachlesen). Nur Cristiano Ronald (140) and Lionel Messi (129) trafen öfter. I offer more than the old Spielhalfte bleiben in Catalonia. A Torchance arrived immediately after Elf Trainer Hansi Flick.

In the 65th minute, Dani Olmo scored for the first time for the Catalans, defeating Königsklassen-Tor with 2:0. There is a game where Robert Lewandowski came on the field once again in the second minute and gave up 3:0.

Inter vorerst Tabellenführer

Inter Mailand brings RB Leipzig to a new table in the Königsklasse with a minimalist approach of 1:0. Die Mailänder is located in Halbzeit eins schwer überlegen.

Dennoch is one of the Italian Eigentor von Castello Lukeba (27th) brought by the Führung. Halbzeit zwei scalten die Italianer einen Gang zurück. Leipzig is getting something from Chancen. Ein Chalhanoğlu-Tor was against VAR.