
Schriftsteller Andrew O’Hagan: “This is a crisis of liberal connections”

Schriftsteller Andrew O’Hagan: “This is a crisis of liberal connections”

Manchmal erzählt eine Straße eine ganze Stadt. I come from Andrew O’Hagan, the Schriftsteller of the Roman “Caledonian Way” and Brexit has a wonderful panorama for the British Gesellschaft. Eine Begegnung in London.

“The novel als solcher has a great perspective: you can have one of the best characters of Köpfe and Herzen, and you can have literary works with Offenbarung, Wahrheit, Unterhaltung schaffen, together with other artistic forms!” dieser, den der Schriftsteller Andrew O’Hagan hung from a Platz, a pub in Ende der Caledonian Road, North London, clinging to another midriff.

This is a lighter Spatsommer and Frühherbst, and the interiors of Eck-Pubs are typically found in the Pub-Nachmittage in London: Bier, Putzmittel, Abgase von draußen and other Feuerwehrsirenen, vereinzelter. ker, der von seinem Not even a minute passed, I took the Pixies to Anlage Laufen. Das Pub is a very good quick alternative to a London institution, one of the best in the city.

A minute later, between King’s Cross Station and other Victorian Bahnhofs, we encountered a further expanse of expansion and extension, about the European Star of the 1990s on the Continent. At the age of 15, in Western Union-Filialen, once more an Absteigen with more information, Ein-Pfund-Läden, Rockabilly-Kneipen with Keller and Strip Clubs in Industrielagerhallen, together with Gegend Kleinteilig and Wuselig in Wohnblocks and very good Zeitgenössische Saturiertheit versprechen hotels.

The Real Caledonian Way

A few days after the Caledonian Way began the beautiful towns of Camden and Islington. Social reformer Charles Booth became a Socialist Establishment in the 19th century and became a city where the Arms and the Reich twice fought beieinander. Bezirk is on the N1 with its postcode, typified by London Socials and Villen, with Gefängnis and Tony Blair’s exclusive Washingtons and postmodern Gastropubs on Pentonville Road. sch verfeinerter britischer Küche .

Andrew O’Hagan, Britain’s Intellectual Bild – Kleidung Komponiert, Betont zusammengesetzt, Schuhe, Brille, Blick immer nah an der Ironie, auch sich selbst gegenüber – Blinzelt aus dem Fenster in die Sonne: “Ich bin hergekommen, als ich 21 war, a forester Mann. Der Bus remained in Glasgow for more than a minute. London war women another Welt, a war in London’s Nachkriegs: Kopfsteinpflaster, Gasometer, a very good gewisse Abgewracktheit. Charakter says that Straße has done something very nice – genauso as a very great Briton. “Das wollte ich in myinem Romane.”

“The Caledonian Way” was a man with a State of the Nation Novel in England, a Roman, an Age of Nation, a stimulant and another policy. Jonathan Coe had a great time with “Middle England”, one of the best genres in English Literature, inspired by Sam Byers or John Lanchester. Yes, tag an English today, it has to be part of a Schriftsteller in the Roman Schreiben of a German State. Warum eigentlich?

Is it a country that has so much literature, this man who has been called the Glossard of a versatile character since 700 Seiten? And is there such a thing as a good essay, a new novel, with Andrew O’Hagan, a very good man, a good journalist and a pioneering writer? “Es ist so viel passiert”, said O’Hagan knapp, “lange nicht nur der Brexit or covid.”

“Cool Britiannia” is not a real example of the new workers’ mentality. , drawing on the Labor Party and a Uniquely American Form of Neoliberalism, the Conservatory and Neoconservative Varieties under David Cameron and Boris Johnson. The pro-European Liberal Democrats are not one of today’s most popular moments. The orientierungslosen of the Tories, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.

And priest Keir Starmer has brought new faith to Streit, a city that once provided pension “winter fuel discounts”. Das was a very important war – it had no political positions, it was a highly political programme, an ideological Überbau, a Gesellschaftsidee -, a plan of the Parliament was not quickly available. Was it kipppunkt dafür gewesen sei? O’Hagan is very good. “Ich glaube, der Irakkrieg war so ein Punkt.” Liberal Connections began, so much so that an Arts Coalition entered the association. Liberalismus, also Linksliberalismus und Elitismus wurden eins, dazu kam ein Gefühl der Überlegenheit. Die Islingtoner Elite was such a good idea, morally speaking, that it was such a good idea and an absolute turnaround. Ich danse, diese Haltung hat sehr viel Schaden anger.“

O’Hagan portrait in a medium

“Caledonian Way” A Geschichte from Campell Flynn, a good art historian, outstanding intellectual and a good family. Flynn is a scientist with a distinguished intellectual policy, a gezeichneten of the best university Cancel-Culture-Verrücktheiten, an ironic post-masculinistischen Superbestseller of Bücher and Ghostwriter. Men Crying in Their Cars “. Seine Frau is Tochter’s best friend and best friend as an industrialist and industrialist.

He is involved in Flynns Leben, classroom activities, Vernissagen and Community Activities. So typical that there is a kind of dinner in London, a man who lives in London, a beautiful man in London, now an evening on Radio Four’s Radio Four, Dinner in Räumen He has food. The traditional “Guinea Grill” in Mayfair, the alternative meat dishes at Kellner’s in the West, or one of the best dishes at Daunt’s Books on Marylebone High Street.

No, we haven’t achieved anything yet, one of the best social activities for O’Hagan to criticize or give a good performance in Tonfall. Every day is an opportunity for things to go well. Well, nothing but Rome has been done? “Jetzt haben Sie mich ertappt”, lacht Andrew O’Hagan, der ähnlich wie seine Hauptfigur in the infachen Verhältnissen im schottischen North Ayrshire ist and jetzt, mitte fünfzig, zu den wichtigsten London’s intellectual actor: a great ichneter Writer and Herausgeber der altehrwürdigen Literaturzeitschrift “London Book Review”. “Estimm.” Campbell Flynn was a very good man – a very great German, and a very good one too.

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  • Weltplus Article“Melania”

Was I a “liberal”, wasn’t the man es nicht nur politisch fastt? A generation from Linken, immersed in wealth, progressing Seite der Geschichte gesehen haben, saw a new new Ansprüchen, looked at a Selbstbild gescheitert or haderten wenigstens mit O’Hagan. “This is universal.” Meine Generation – the new generation, died in the 1960s and died as a corporate institution after the 1970s. So how did you achieve this? Or are you doing something to own more homes? That’s not the case at all, Fortschritt has a big festival: It’s a crisis of global connectivity unleashed.

I am Roman, from Milo Mangasha, student at Campbell Flynns University, although he is not at all preoccupied by Flynn, he is in a very depressed mood and I think it is a very good thing: hlte sich abgeschnitten von seiner Realität“, heißt es an einer Stelle , “ein Mann, der immer an die Stabilität dessen, der er war, geglaubt hatte.”

A Generation of Conflict?

Do you also think that Great Britain is also in a generational conference? Milo Mangashas Generation gave a very creative performance, Campell Flynns Generation also gave the same performance. Flynn in Buch über Vermeer – das heißt ve eigentlich, über das Nichts zu Schreiben, denn kaum einer weiß lich ves über Vermeer. And there’s a lot of things Biography Very good! Flynn gave Selbst an idea. Millennials and Generation Z – and these sages are a 20-year Tochter – are fluent in the Verständnis of Reality; Vorstellung einer essenziellen Wahrheit macht sie nervös. I am the Roman Flynn, I saw the Welt in Wanken and caused Jungen to transform into a wise Vorteile ziehen.

Mann is also something that Flynn loves: Krise has a crisis of an extremely important plan.“ The novel day is a very beautiful, flowing and beautiful thing in English with an original component. Traut O’Hagan der Form was literarysch zu? “Ich wollte wirklich den Roman noch mal neu bestimmen”, sagt O’Hagan, “und ein Leseerlebnis schaffen.” Ich dachte mir, es muss doch ein Interesse pregnant an einem Buch, das unsere Gesellschaft im Hier und Jetzt beschreibt ve uns vielleicht auch dabei hilft, unsere Leben zu leben.”

Also, do you hate the announcements of a policy, a morality and a Schriftsteller? And, considering O’Hagan’s is a much more literary work from a journalistic standpoint, this is real fact with real fiction. Es pregnant vereliterarische Kulturen, die damit vorsichtiger, skeptischer umgingen als die britische. “Fonts or Döblin is nothing more than Dickens’s Verständnis of Reality – a multi-part piece, the modern Verständnis der Wirklichkeit.” Wir dagegen versuchen, eher aus der the realität Szenen zu schaffen.“

Is the novel also a political realism, does it have a character that does not correspond to reality at all? “Ich habe über mann geschrieben, der auseinanderfällt.” Nature was so fragile, a place to find something better. Mal auf sich zu zeigen ve nicht auf otherre. Dazu habe man eine Verpflichtung, schon allein sich selbst gegenüber.

Andrew O’Hagan: “The Caledonian Way”. Aus dem Englischen von Manfred Allié and Gabriele Kempf-Allié. Park x Ullstein. 784 Seiten, 30 Euros.

Mara Delius ist Herausgeberin der “World of Literature”.