
USA-Wahlkampf: Beyoncé: Harris Steht für Einheit

USA-Wahlkampf: Beyoncé: Harris Steht für Einheit

US-Popstar Beyoncé hat Kamala Harris I’m at the Weiße Haus den Rücken gestärkt in Wahlkampf. The current event in the USA has become the best event in the USA: “Einheit”, which is a good thing for music as a Wahlkampf Event held at the Heimatstadt Houston in Texas. Do something that stands out or isn’t political, think Mutter, good idea for a better kid, concrete.

Beyoncé met Sangerin Kelly Rowland for the first time in Band Destiny’s Child War. Rowland says Harris did just that.

Harris is focused on a comeback in Houston, one of the top themes for Democrats in the United States. Texas Gehört zu den Bundesstaaten, die harte Abtreibungsverbote einführten. There are more women Harris talks to, Schwangerschaft, who has an acute problem that requires no medical attention.

Umfragen also shined, Donald Trump won in Texas on November 5 and defeated Stimmen in the 40th Federal District. All this happened in Democrat Hoffnungen and the Republicans’ Senatssitz, Ted Cruz, won.

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