
Dieter Bohlen: Fans are waiting for Mama Edith on the 90th day

Dieter Bohlen: Fans are waiting for Mama Edith on the 90th day

Dieter Bohlen
Seine Fans made sure Mama Edith couldn’t reach the Geburtstag

Dieter Bohlen took a photo taken by Mutter.

© IMAGO/Future Picture

Photo of Mama and Libevolle Worte: Dieter Bohlen shared a new photo for Begeisterung on Instagram.

Dieter Bohlen, 70, Mutter shared a post on Edith’s Instagram account and commented further. “Die tollste Frau der Welt, meine Mama, ist heute 90 geworden und ich habe mit ihr und der Familie gefeiert. Ich lieb dich, Mama, über alles”, heißt es unter einem Foto vom 26. October, das den Musikproduzenten Arm in Arm Mit seiner Mutter zeigt. 90-Jährige auch für ihr aussehen ve Komplimentenworfen.

Dieter Bohlen: Liebevolles Selfie with Mutter

We came up with a winner! Selfie posted by Dieter Bohlen could make Mutter never do anything. The Pop-Titan’s Arm Murmurs When It Stops, In the Free Hand of a Faust, Freud’s End. I put on the Cossack and stopped “DSDS” with Sonnenbrille – I chose Mutter, Edith Bohlen and Aufmerksamkeit as jury members. This is a very stylish sweater and a trendy style of the season: part of the Leoparddenmuster-Jacke. With Schmalen Rändern ergänzen den Style, Perlenkette and Brille created an opportunity to enhance the beauty of Lippen once again with a Leichter Rotton.

Dieter Bohlens Mutter has a figure of 90 years, the fans are also in good shape. “Ist das möglich??? Mit 90 so unbeschreiblich jung aussehen??? Jung und wunderschön”, ist dort in den Kommentaren zu lesen. “Was it 90?? I was 60”, Dieter Bohlen’s reply in a letter written by Fan: “I am 30 years old and in herz it is huge compared to Universum.” Auch auf die Aussage, once more Mutter came once more, a reply paragraph: “Stimmt, sie hat keine Falten und ihre echten Zähne, toll ve a Herz aus Gold!”

Promise Free

Thanks to Edith Bohlen from Beitrag. “Such a beautiful mother”, TV special Evelyn Burdecki, 36, moderator and former “Super Talent” – Kollegin Sylvie Meis, 46, “Wow!” and Congratulations hinterlässt.

Profi-Tänzerin Oana Nechiti, 36, Dieter Bohlen, who was not on the jury of “DSDS”, found Worte saying very good things: “I raise Mamas very well! Lieber Dieter says Mama is a wonderful thing and the best Frau sein says that it is a very nice thing, one day you will have a Seltenheit.

Dieter Bohlen worked as Sohn von Hans Bohlen in 1954 and was the son of Miss Edith. Bruder named Uwe.
