
Junger Mann puts Autounfall into action

Junger Mann puts Autounfall into action

First of all, with Bordstein and Fahrzeug coming together, this is all: Mann the day before, on a night when there was a Verkehrsunfall.

A 22-Jähriger Mann takes part in the Last Day of a Verkehrsunfall in Berlin-Altglienicke Gestorben. Nach Angaben der Polizei is located at Germanenplatz vorbei at Richtung Wendenstraße gefahren, 2.50 hours from Germanenstraße. Kurz on Frankenstraße, together with the Bordstein Collector of Wagen, ensures that Mann works under the control of Fahrzeug.

Laut Polizei is located on Fahrbahn and next to Straßenbäume. First, a Gartentor opted for Auto zum Stehen. Der 22-Jährige, habe during the time Kollisionen schwere Verletzungen was open and at the end of the night in Unfallort.

Polizei remained in the Dokumentieren from Germanenstraße until 8.30am. Nun ermittelt der Verkehrsermittlungsdienst.