
Lateinamerika was on zukommt – DW – 28.10.2024

Lateinamerika was on zukommt – DW – 28.10.2024

There is a complete device in the last United States: Wirtschaftliche and benefit from social services and have the air conditioning turned on. The new US Regierung traditionally faced a large influx from Late America in Beziehungen in the US, such as Handel, Emigration and Sicherheit. What happened to this Szenario when Republican Donald Trump died on November 5? So what’s it like to die on Democrat Kamala Harris?


Republican Liberalism has a negative attitude due to the recent negative attitudes of the United States – and regarding the Protectionism of the Democrats, Political Wissenschaftler and University of Chile Diego Portals, a member of DW. “Aber das hat sich geändert, dennnn Trump is protectionist and flabby, which under the Slogan ‘America First’ is a Zölle on Imports.” This was a period when Trump had the potential to be unstable and not bruised, and it meant “plunging into Wirtschaft”.

2025 will be distributed free of charge together with T-MEC from the new states of Mexico and Canada. Trump beim bereits from Nordamerikanischen Freihandelsabkommen of NAFTA, Zugeständnisse erzwungen – very good, something better, i.e. “something better”, prognosticator Leandro Morgenfeld, Wirtschaftsgeschichte Expert at the University of Buenos Aires, gegenüber DW. This is very pleasing, Trump faced a “New Production Concentration and Verlagerung in the United States”.

The Behavior of a Bühne and Women Stopped Viewing on Printing Cameras
Als Erfolg gefeiert: Unterzeichnung des T-MEC-Freihandelsabkommens in Mexico 2019Image: Imago Images/El ​​Universal

Sollte Kamala Harris USA-Präsidentin werden, brächte das für die Freihandelsabkommen aber auch keinen Fortschritt, “da die von Barack Obama geförderten Abkommen am internen Widerstand in den Vereinigten Staaten gescheitert sind”, concretet Morgenfeld.


Trump starred in Migrationspolitik in radical Maßnahmen: Es gäbe vermutlich “Einreiseverbote für ainwanderer, wie in seiner ersten Amtszeit. Er hat sogar eine Reihe von Massenabschiebungen angekundigt”, Renata Segura, sister group of Lateinamerika and Director of Denkfabrik International Critik , I’m doing an interview with DW.

Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Trump Mexico and other states in the Region “didn’t do anything until Druck setzen” – with a man in the United States, which he called “some kind of noble country” has achieved enormous success. Befinden oder keine Papiere besitzen”.

Trump could cause Biden to make an illegal move across the country. New Panama Records, as well as Immigration and Emigration in Darien, one of the Columbiens of Panama.

Fluss Immigrant to Chucunaqu an Land: Menschen with Booten im Wasser und Helfer an Land
Flussüberquerung zwischen Kolumbien und Panama: Mitarbeiter der Internationalen Organization für Migration erwarten MigrantenInformation: IOM

Sollte Kamala Harris bei die Wahl siegen, “glaube ich nicht, dass sich die Einwanderungspolitik im Vergleich zur Biden-Regierung wesentlich ändern wird”, sart Renata Segura. Es würde keine drakonischen Maßnahmen gegen Migranten pregnant und “Harris würde versuchen, die Legalisierung der Dreamers fortzusetzen, etwas, an dem Trump nicht nicht wäre”.

Sicherheit und der Kampf gegen den Drogenhandel

Likewise: “Die mexikanische Regierung von Claudia Sheinbaum wird unter großem Druck stehen, die Korruption hochrangiger Beamter einzudämmen und den Drogenfluss von Mexiko in die Vereinigten Staaten zu controllieren”, sagt Renata Segura. This was something Kamala Harris had an extraordinary intervention in.

Anders bei Trump. Er werde “sehr wahrscheinlich” versuchen, “Sicherheitskräfte nach Mexico zu Bringen”. In the United States, charges are being made for illegally filling Fentanyl. A Harris-Regierung stated that Segura was facing “a policy, a legal act or other legal act.”

A Man brought together a Wand and a Wand, and so on, as a Polysist. tasting eu
Drogenproblem: Polizeikontrolle in der Grenzstadt Tijuana, MexicoPhoto: Teun Voeten/Sipa/image alliance

Eng. Verknüpft is an example of Thema Sicherheit. Matías López had no war on “Harris’ policy against Obama” and Obama’s recent “no freundlich gesinnt” war. It is not a very good thing that the US-Geheimdienstes NSA, Dilma Rousseff, is one of Brazil’s best.

Political Stability and Democratie

“It is very clear, the Wahl Trumps are a great risk to democratic stability, but not only in the Region, but also in the Führungspersönlichkeit, the authority of the USA. ist”, concrete Matías López. “Trump staged an unexpected coup on January 6, 2021, and it was a coup like a coup in Brazil.”

Menschen with Fahnen und Dach eines Gebäudes in Brazil
Coup: Bolsonaro-Anhänger auf dem Dach des Parlamentsgebäudes, Brasilia, January 2023Bild: painting alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

Democratic Structures Krisen’s intervention or diplomatic intervention? Daran said that according to Renata Segura, Trump was “very brave with the interest.” Your prediction is that Trump is considered “one of the strongest stars of the United States as a democratic country in recent years.” Biden has literally taken over China, a free zone where China and Russia are completely surrounded.

In a Kamala-Harris-Sieg? Leandro Morgenfeld sided with Kuba. “Very well, Obama has nothing to do with Kuba’s criminal policy, but this is nicht yet. There is a new Sanktionen aufgehoben with Donald Trump’s response to Kuba, but Obama’s Weg did not impress at all.” This is such a sweet thing with Kamala Harris. Biden has warned against Venezuela, has concerns about US Conflicts in Europe and the Nahen Osten Scale.


Was die Eindämmung des Klimawandels or die Abschwächung seiner Folgen angeht, i.e. “Trump ein Leugner des Klimawandels, mit allem, dies mit sich fetcht”, i.e. Matías López. “Allerdings, Kamala Harris has no idea yet about hydraulic fracturing or fracking for Gasförderung in Beispiel in Pennsylvania”, it is an idea. Pennsylvania is one of the Swing States.

There's a Wind of Feuerband in a Waldgebiet, Rauch Steigt Auf
Mutwillig Zerstörte Natur: Illegal Incoming Brände in Amazonasgebiet in BrazilPhoto: Evaristo Sa/AFP

Democrats are waging a multipartisan campaign against climate change alongside Trump and Leandro Morgenfeld. “Harris hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, dass die gesamte Region den Klimawandel bekämpfen und der Amazonas-Regenwald geschützt werden muss”, schließt Renata Segura. “This is a great radical character that Harris took from Klimawandel, and from Klimawandel she became her best centerpiece for and against Trump.”