
Best Fun Games: Halloween Fun: New Horror Perlens for Gänsehaut

Best Fun Games: Halloween Fun: New Horror Perlens for Gänsehaut

Looking for a great scare for Halloween? We used this Schocker for a Blick to do something better.

Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees emerge as perfect horror icons. Doch treiben sie eben schon seit 40, mitunter gar seit fast 50 Jahren ihr Unwesen. Grusel Enthusiasts has great storylines including “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, “Halloween” and “Freitag the 13th”. We met at the Halloween Festival on October 31st and wasted no time in a classical education, it was an extremely beautiful work of art, which was a beautiful thing. Hier der Beweis.

2019: Hell ensues

2019 debut “Midsommar” overshadows “Hereditary” – Boy Wonder Ari Aster, 38, but Horror is up to no good. The entertaining Licht made a great horror movie with Florence Pugh (28) in Hauptrolle and had a lot of adventures after Zuschauer’s great success in Schweden-Urlaub. A group of students had a tradition of great wealth with a group of common kommune. Betonung is considered “einschlagen”.

A New Record Establishment was recognized as the most beautiful of 2019 together with Erstlingswerk. “Wir” is a clever film with “Get Out” – a new “Home Invasion” -Horror movie with Macher Jordan Peele (45). Jeder der Hauptdarsteller, von Lupita Nyong’o (41) bis Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (38), hat darin eine Doppelrolle inne. Schließlich hosted a family, so scheints a much better version. Wie schon bei “Get Out” vermochte es Peele auch in “Wir”, Horror mit Sozialkritik zu Vermengen.

2020: Überraschend bis klaustrophobiasch

In the first half of “The Empty Man” by David Priors (55), this is a great play, like the horror movie by Teentrifft. Tatsächlich was very impressive in the following Film, in Laufe des Films, with another animated use of great expository knowledge. Grundgeschichte, die in trickreiche Wendung nimmt: An Old Polizist (James Badge Dale, 46), a very beautiful, very beautiful Mädchen zu finden. This is a culture that is a very important service for us.

Wem machen die Stockfinsteren Tiefen des Meeres und alles, darin lauern kann, keine Angst? Myth “Underwater – This is a new update for the first 2020 “Alien”-Formal update. All statistics Erdbeben droht, zur Todesfalle zu werden, where Kristen Stewart (34), Vincent Cassel (57) and Co. are once again in a memorable klaustropobische Tiefseestation.

2021: Sozialkritisch bis umfangreich

Schreckgestalt “Candyman”, Macher Clive Barker (72), the first kurzgeschichte of “Hellraiser”, was the first school in Kino in 1992. A reboot is underway in 2021. Registration Nia DaCosta (34), with Raffiniert, as Spiegel called her in recent years, a hand hat and soon left Hintergrund, an extraordinary improvisational killer. Jordan Peele in his Drehbuch gear hat is not uncommon. Auch die “Candyman” – Neuauflage befasst sich tiefschürfend mit Thematiken wie Rassismus und Polizeigewalt.

Falls 2021, together with the new version of Netflix, released Jugendbuchreihe, the foundations of the “Fear Street”-Trilogy. A typical Slasher began with a Horror Zeitreise that appeared in 1994, 1978 and 1666 and once again became a major horror film. “Fear Alley” has been transformed into a much larger Mordserien zutragen by Kleinstadt Shadyside. A youth group called Killer and Fersen kleben once again teamed up with a group of Geheimnis on the Spur to take 17th place.

2022: Gehyped bis unconventional

In 2022, I shot the movie “Smile” in the Kinos movie, which created a new excitement. Über Reaktions videos in the social Netzwerken interact with a culture in Streifen, with Grinsen starting Grinsen, kurz bevor sie sich selbst auf grausame Weise umbringen. This is a book called “It Follows” and this is the latest and most advanced switching method with Gruselfaktor at its highest level.

Unusually, Weitaus chose a film from “The Barbarian.” Blinkwinkeln films between two people with Bill Skarsgård (34) and it is one of the best of the time buchungsfehlers in Airbnb-Wohnung wiederfinden. No financial doubts spent little time together with Bleibe in Tat – and Keller had a Geheimnis Geheimnis. “Barbarian” means so much more and also gets morbid between Humor and Body-Horror.

2023: Raffiniert bis bitterböse

There’s a positive horror twist in a new movie called Australian Movie “Talk to Me”. You can bring young people together with a mysterious statue, a hand shape. For children, there is a problem with such a thing – this is Tor zur Totenwelt zu weit aufgestoßen wird ve das reale Konsequenzen mit mits. There’s no talented actor in “Talk to Me,” there’s not much in the cast. The Films of Danny and Michael Philippou present such and real themes, beautifully embellished in an extraordinarily symbolic and natural way. While most horror movies often introduce trouble, nothing like “Talk to Me” did.

In 2023, a small work of art “Evil Dead Rise”: A very tragic story was revealed with a new family drama called “Evil Dead”. A Halbstarker Group has become the terrorist organization of a Family that is part of the Concrete Klotz in Großstadt. Der Film macht da durch wenig und zugleich viles neu. Alles was in a movie called “Evil Dead” – Streifen vorkommen muss, ist trotzdem dabei. All: Gore and Grenze zur Farce, better Body-Horror, a game where Dämon is first and foremost and becomes mandatory. Hier ist niemand – wirklich niemand – sicher.

Current im Kino

Wer said that Heimkino had a solid Auswahl, with the rich Leinwand-Gruselfeeling will. As an example of the psychology of fear, in Kinos die Möglichkeit, James McAvoy (45) mentioned Durchdrehen in the movie “Bad Talk”. Wer nach “Smile” was not something the evil Grinsefratze did much for Kino. Hartgesottenen goes straight to Halloween in October 31st Night – starting with a scary story called “Scary” – and this comes across as a very strong horror fan. In Disem Sinne: “Happy Halloween!”

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