
Luxembourg: Gewalt and Diebstähle for the Einschreiten of Polizei

Luxembourg: Gewalt and Diebstähle for the Einschreiten of Polizei


LuxembourgGewalt und Diebstähle for Polizei’s Einschreiten

LUXEMBOURG – Once again, Polizei needs to do more. Nothing is in the same Diebstähle, then Schlagereinen und Einbrüche machen den Beamten zu schaffen.

Die Polizei muste dieses Wochenende mehrmals einschreiten. (Photoillustration)

Die Polizei muste dieses Wochenende mehrmals einschreiten. (Photoillustration)

Editpress/Fabrizio Pizzolante

Samstagabend is located in Oberstadt, where there is a Stichhwaffe and a Bedrohung. One of the Police Grand-Ducale in Sonntagmorgen was a dying Männer in the oberstadt, which benefited many more Männerns. A Geschädigten, a Tasche herauszugeben with a Messer word and more words. Then, take advantage of the multitude of handwriting options, many more.

Die Angreifer anschließend en Richtung Place du Théâtre geflüchtet Tasche. Politisten did not do much to provide much more information, but nothing was done. Once again, a lot has been said.

I was tagged as a person in Bettemburg. Mann and Frau sich in a Bushaltestelle aufgehalten, at the same time with the arrival of the Mobile Telephone. Laut Angaben der Polizei saw Opfer without saying anything. Much more, one day after a period when we were faced with a negative situation. Auch varis habe die Polizei qualified with the beginning of Ermittlungen.

Schlägereien und Einbrüche

On the Last Day of Samstag, a Fest was held at a Polizeistreifen Einsatz in Erpeldingen. Laut Mitteilung sei der Polizei eine Schlägerei zweigen mehrreren Personen gemeldet word. Beamten enabled the people involved to achieve everything together with Ankunft. Klärung in Vorfalls is a very simple word to use.

Police Another from the Grand-Ducale was also a constable. In Düdelingen there is a house in Diebe in the Rue de Hellange eindringen and further Räume durchwühlen. In a Haus on the Rue de l’école in Dalheim, we visited a Einbruchsversuch menteşegen erfolgreich unterbrochen. A Bewohnerin noted that the Einbrecher is a very good host during the night and therefore has the Flucht ergriff much more easily.

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