
Zeugen alarmieren Rettungskräfte: Automated Vehicles in a Bad World

Zeugen alarmieren Rettungskräfte: Automated Vehicles in a Bad World

Bad Wörishofen is an 83-year-old automatic error and is a bad word. The women fought with Ursache, part of Fahrbahn, and Auto, with a kollidiert of Baum.

Samstagnachmittag started a battle between 83-Jährige and ihrem Auto at the Kaufbeuren Staatsstraße in Richtung Türkheim. This is a better Ursache than the Politik Dame on Fahrbahn.

Prellungen and Schädel-Hirn-Trauma and Fall in the Bad Wörishofen

Anschließend connects to the Fahrbahn and a Baum as Senior. We’ve been through and experienced a trauma like this before. Zeugen facilitated and worried the return of Rettungskräfte. This has a Sachschaden of 25,000 Euros.