
Neid: “Alex war nie abgehoben oder hielt sich für etwas Besonderes”

Neid: “Alex war nie abgehoben oder hielt sich für etwas Besonderes”

Once again we have Silvia Neid (60), a former Federal Educator from DFB Spielführer to Alexandra Popp (33), back and we are worried, hot and angry.

Silvia Neid (right) Betreutes the 74 Montag 145 National Game in Alexandra Popp's Karriere.

Silvia Neid (right) Betreutes the 74 Montag 145 National Game in Alexandra Popp’s Karriere.

Silvia joined the German A-Nationalmannschaft with Alexandra Popp in February 2010 and placed between 74 and 145 States in Montagabend. The 2010, 2013 and 2016 World Training saw the DFB-Elf enter Australia twice with Torjägerin and become embroiled in a battle between “Alex” and “Poppi”.

Miss Neid said Alexandra Popp was in charge of the young Spieles. War da schon Erkennbar, für ein Potensial sie hat?

Yes, in the fall. This was a natural relief with the U-20-WM as well as the Weltmeisterinnen wurden in Germany 2010. Alex Spielerin died the best. Let me also point out: Frauen-Nationalmannschaft has a lot going for it.

You were nominated for Heim-WM in 2011.

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