
DORA: Was it possible for AB Verordnung to do something new?

DORA: Was it possible for AB Verordnung to do something new?

Im Zuge der Zunahme von Cyberangriffen gilded, likewise Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Angriffsfläche und zur schnellen Reaktion auf Bedrohungen zu ergreifen. Vorschriften with the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a solution for improving reimbursement and development processes. The blog comes with DORA and offers a great opportunity to make a fresh start in the new Europe.

Was this DORA?

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) – in addition to the EU-Verordnung 2022/2554 statement – ​​is currently 17. January 2025 für alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten in Kraft treten. DORA Provides Cyber ​​Business and Sales Related to Finance and Digital Products in EU Jobs in the Finance Industry Lage versetzen, IKT-bezogene Vorfälle und Betriebsstörungen zu bewältigen. DORA has branches among the best sources of finance – Banken, Wertpapierfirmen, Credit Institute, Versicherungsunternehmen, Cloud Service Provider of Crowdfunding-Plattformen and Rechenzentren.

Warum Einhaltung wichtig?

Die Nichteinhaltung von DORA kann schwere Strafen nach sich ziehen, darunter tägliche Geldbußen in Höhe von bis zu As part of Monate, Gesamtumsatzes für bis zu sechs for a while. Visit Unterlassungsanordnungen und öffentliche Bekanntmachung. This power has become even stronger with the protection of DORA-Anforderungen ist.

Grundlegende Anforderungen und Unterstützung und WatchGuard

1. IKT-Risk management: The financing has been enhanced in relation to Cyber ​​Affairs as part of the risk management for IKT-Strukturen (Information and Communication Technologies). Supports for WatchGuard-Firewalls and Endpoint Security (EPP, EDR, EPDR, Advanced EPDR), Patch Management and Full Encryption provide better solutions.

2. Vorfalls management: Unternehmen müssen IKT-bezogene Vorfälle überwachen, verwalten und weiterverfolgen, die Ursachen die identification und vorbeugende Maßnahmen ergreifen. ThreatSync (XDR), ThreatSync+ NDR and WatchGuard MDR Protections constantly deliver persistent attacks, automate attacks and provide detailed data management.

3. Resilienz Tests: DORA offers Powerful Tests for the Development of Broad Standards for Schwachstellenbewertungen, Penetrationtests and Szenariobasierte Prüfläufe. WatchGuard has ThreatSync+ NDR Functions, Endpoint Protections, and Modifications for Robust Auditing of WLAN Tests.

4. Risk Management at Drittanbieter: DORA was controlled by IKT-Dienstleistungen mittels Verträgen vor, die die Sicherheit, den Datenschutz und die Verfügbarkeit von Dienstleistungen mittels Drittanbietern. Network audits of Firebox Essentials, ThreatSync+ NDR, Endpoint Security, and WatchGuard MDRs are the security measures that matter to you.

5. Information: DORA has enabled the Institute of Finance to become a more comprehensive Cyber ​​Science community along with other knowledge. WatchGuard’s EPDR-, Advanced EPDR-, Orion- and MDR-Analyses provide detailed information on Vorfällen and Reports and provide detailed information on a basic baseline monitoring information.

Wondering if you can download DORA-Whitepaper?

I’m new Whitepaper “Cyber ​​Security Stärkung: An Ein Tifer Einblick in DORA” You can find detailed information about WatchGuard’s DORA Outdoor Protection Products and Services here. WatchGuard’s Unified Security Platform Integration enables easier financial management of IKT-Umgebung and provision of Risk Management, Durability Testing, Third Party Risk Management and Information Security. Abbilden.


Be Unified Security Platform from WatchGuard This is very useful because branch standards are much higher and there is nothing beyond achieving a better standard. The Cloud Native Unified Security Platform and SaaS Products are used for Regular Updates and Sicherheitserweiterungen, for Einhaltung von Vorschriften and for Sicherung for digital infrastructure. This is a Sicherheit, vereinfachte Verwaltung, a transformation that with proactive Bedrohungs management consequently reduces Überwachung and Angriffsfläche.

If WatchGuard makes more effort to provide support for DORA and help using eigene IT-Security-Gerüst, you can find them. Whitepaper zahlreiche wichtige Informationen.

Quelle: WatchGuard-Blog