
Free2move Charge: Stellantis will launch Laden to revolutionize E-Autos

Free2move Charge: Stellantis will launch Laden to revolutionize E-Autos


Stellantis (Opel, Peugeot) will pioneer E-Autos with the Free2move Charge Project in the Säulen revolution. Get Started with Free2move Charge.

Free2move Charge acquires the 360-Grad-Ökosystem from Stellantis für Lade- und Energiemanagement-Lösungen. These include Free2move Charge Home, Free2move Charge Go and Free2move Charge Business. Der Konzern (Opel, Peugeot, Jeep) will work together with different strategy strategies to solve Ladenetz’s biggest problems in Europe.

Versprechen of Free2move Charge “Always Easy to Charge” – it also creates some problems in the E-Fahrzeug zu haben. Der Ansatz von Stellantis, Ladevorgang möglichst uncompliziert machen und bietet Lösungen für zu Hause, am Arbeitsplatz und unterwegs. Dazu zählen Hardware, Software, Installation and Service.

Free2move Charge is among the Loaded and free mobile models for mobile phones, which is launched and operated with a click on a charging station. Free2move Charge costs €4.99 with close to 800,000 transport stations in Europe, the Free2move Charge App, a Card and Payments.

Eingebettet is the project of Stellantis in the “Dare Forward 2030” Strategy Plan for 100 Prozent and 50 Pkw BEV-Verkaufsmix (Battery Electric Vehicle) in Europe.

As part of a revolution gleichkommt, a kritisch sehen can stand. This was a far cry from the other Anbieter from Ladenetz, Europe.