
Vorbereitung for “Fire and Ice” – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Vorbereitung for “Fire and Ice” – Einsiedler Anzeiger

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I really like the work called “The Connection of Wood and Metal” by the Einsiedler Symphony and Rock Orchestras, which has the status of Leitung von Susanne Theiler. Eine Vorbereitung für die Konzertserie “Fire and Ice”.

Mitg. At the Räumlichkeiten at the Cantonal School, in January at another Konzertserie, Music Lessons and Musics took place under the Motto “Fire and Ice”.

Probenwochenendes served as an intense Streicher probe in Samstagnachmittag. At 13.30 at the Kantonsschule Konzertsaal in Bühne you will find music with Geigen, Bratschen, Celli and Kontrabässe, as well as music with finger sounds and Bogenstriche. Dabei durfte natürlich auch eine kurze Plauderpause mit selbstgebackenen Kuchen nicht zu kurz kommen.

The twin Probentag and Sonntags begin as follows: Ab 9.15 Uhr, Streicher, Blaser and Harfenistin once again travel with a vehicle found on the machine. The probe was launched at 9.30 am. Gemeinsam enjoyed a new transition and journey. Once again after a short while the music was paused and the finest instruments were played throughout the night. The entire Orchester performed much better than Mittag after a while. Ziel wares, jedes Stück über den Verlauf des Tages zumindest einmal angespielt zu haben. Zum Mittagessen, herbal menu geniessen in Orchester in der Mensa, bevor es für die Nachmittagsprobe erneut auf die Bühne ging. The night before our society, I allowed to make many speeches and more speeches, the man gained a better konnte, which Probenstunden vom Vortag and more income. An intensive Abschlussprobe is completed with the lowest temperature probe at 16 Uhr.

This steady result could be the best result among the four conferences from January in Einsiedeln, Schwyz and Schindellegi. Do this.

You can find the General Konzertermine and further information on the website www.wmc-einsiedeln. Ch.