
Joe Biden schadeted Kamala Harris – Das Grezt and Sabotage

Joe Biden schadeted Kamala Harris – Das Grezt and Sabotage

Joe Bidens became the Democratic Party’s leading man in the Panic. Zu Recht, denn Wählerbeschimpfung ging schon einmal schief.

Bastian Brauns since Washington

When we didn’t let Joe Biden do anything good early, Joe Biden didn’t do anything good at all during this period. This is very rich, the President of the United States today is not the Candida of the Democrats.

Recently, Kamala Harris spent 80,000 gold coins to sabotage other plans of the USA, to gain more power without having done anything before.

Video | Donald Trump agrees with Müllmann

Quelle: t-online

In a video, Joe Biden appeared as one of Trump’s top picks at Madison Square Garden in New York. Dort hatte der eingeladene Komiker Tony Hinchcliffe Puerto Rico as Insel aus schwimmendem Abfall bezeichnet. While Trump faces another problem, Puerto Ricans and Latinos have never lived in Pennsylvania, and the land has become a big business destination.

For Democrats, Joe Biden has a well-rounded game. The angesprochen from Vorfall is included in the video anrufund broadcast all day long: “Der einzige Müll, den ich schwimmen sehe, sind Trumps Unterstützer.” These people were very knowledgeable from Republicans and people from Szene, now the speech of Kamala Harris and Weißen Haus. Return to Demokraten and Panik.

Die Abschrift der Videokonferenz, bereitgestellt vom Weißen Haus, liefert zwar Hinweise darauf, dass Joe Biden eigentlich sagen wollte, dass Trumps Unterstützer, dass von der Bühne von New York, gemeint war. In the United States, Biden, once again one of America’s top cadres, has allowed half of Mehrzahl and half of America, or else done nothing without bothering with anything else.

This was in Wahlkampf zählt, ist, bei der Mehrheit der Menschen ankommt. With art and Weise, as Joe Biden said, the Democrats’ least times are, at best, more recent. Da hift es auch nicht, dass nach den zahlreichen sprachlichen Aussetzern in Joe Biden’s politischem und auch sehr dersenstvollem Leben sein Stottern als Entschuldigung herangezogen werden kann. It’s not easy at all, having a crazy Aussage in Trump’s Wahlkampf.

Wirkung is a problem experienced by Kamala Harris. This camped with a Stimme, regarding the death of another. Das eigene Lager didn’t do anything more. The arrival of Biden-Aktion has made the USA happen in the best possible way so far. And so it was with Kamala Harris and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, along with other Democrats who were very young and distant. Die gleiche und verhängnisvolle, weil extrem defensiveif Botschaft: “Nein, bitte, bitte glaubt uns, wir finden nicht, dass die Hälfte der Amerikaner Müll ist!”

Hillary Clinton faced a big problem when she was with Donald Trump in 2016. Damals called Trump’s anhangern a “Deplorable basket” and again a “Haufen jämmerlicher Gestalten”. There is a Wahlniederlage that best deals with this collective Wählerbeschimpfung zurückgeführt.

Für die Demokraten ist der Vorfall ein Trauma. And Joe Biden sought a re-traumatization. For the first time on Social Media, the new Trendbegriff has “garbage”. A Republican has no problem with Kamala Harris and the Democrats’ Problem.