
Das Telli-Quartier is located between “Rampe” with a new restaurant

Das Telli-Quartier is located between “Rampe” with a new restaurant


Das Telli-Quartier hat ein neues Restaurant

CH Media and Neumattstrasse is the restaurant “Rampe” next to the Barista-Bar.

Ab dem 4. November, «Rampe» for Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.

Ab dem 4. November, «Rampe» for Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.

Photo: Severin Bigler

Die Telli says that Anfang has a great energy emission. Bald wird die Tellistrasse saniert, Swisslog brought 300 Arbeitsplätze, das KIFF 2.0 eYes, The new Polizeigebäude This is very important, in November the Stadtrat will finish the Neuigkeiten together with the Oberstufenzentrum präsentieren.

A new Gastroangebot Quarter: Beim Unternehmen CH Media and Neumattstrasse, das auch diese Zeitung herausgibt, one of the new restaurants of Druckerei, a new restaurant with Barista-Bar. The betting site is Sodexo (Switzerland) SA.

“Rampe” died in Betrieb on 4 November. Plant a rich food and a crop that Montag uses regularly from 8 to 18. Zur Mittagszeit offers a menu and a vegetable buffet, as well as a choice of Tibits, Vor- and Nachmittags and Snacks. Platz haben bis zu 300 People (120 Seating Places). Make events and activities happen via “Rampe”.

Vorbereitungen for the trainee Eröffnungsapéro.

Photo: Severin Bigler

Gegen Abend reduced the Mahlzeiten of the Restaurant in the App “Too Good To Go” for the issuance of Foodwaste.

Paul Weidenhammer of Leiter Immobilien und Facility Management from CH Media is very pleased with the Eröffnung: “Lunchangebot’s battle with an uncertain Hauptsitz limitation. The new Restaurant is a great meal and a great meal, so the Gewerbequartier is also involved a place.”

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