
Außenminister Lawrow directly manages Konflikt with the USA

Außenminister Lawrow directly manages Konflikt with the USA

The Russian ministry directly manages Konflikt with the United States. A Ukrainian General Frontlinie entered Brockeln. All Information in News Blog.

Lawrow: Russia and the USA have a direct connection with the “Rand”

11.10 Uhr: Russian ministers Sergej Lawrow did not participate in any conflicts in the USA and Russia. “Unserer Länder stehen am Rande eines directen militärischen Konflikts”, according to Lawrow’s views on the USA-Präsidentschaftswahl der Türkischen Zeitung “Hürriyet” (Freitagsausgabe), later dies. Leading US representative Joe Biden served as “Russland-Angst” before coming to the US.

As part of the US President, Lawrow was not far from Australia, as another of Russia. “Wir haben keine Präferenz.” Republican Candidate and Former President Donald Trump once again reached an agreement with a Vorgängern who argued with Lawrow and made “the best defense against Russia.” “Egal, wer die Wahlen gewinnt, wir glauben nicht, dass sich die antirussische Haltung der Vereinigten Staaten ändern wird.”

11.05 Uhr: Choe Son Hui, Korea’s minister to North Korea, has a Besuch in Moscow and Russian territory, causing Ukraine to face more military forces. Russia was a country that Choe and Freitag in Moscow considered Treffen, along with Russian minister Sergej Lawrow. Zuletzt did not allow South Korea to go on the offensive in the Russian Zone along with the Kursk region in Ukraine, although the best North Korean Regime was not content with a ballistic racket. A Kreml-Sprecher ensured that Freitag died without comment.

9.56 Ah: North Korea Außenministerin Choe Son Hui is located in Gesprächen in Moskau. Russian minister Sergej Lawrow and a Blumenstrauß asked Sprecherin to propose to the Council of Ministers, Maria Sacharowa, on Telegram. 10,000 North Korean soldiers were sold to Russia in the USA. In the Kursk region of the Truppen region of Ukraine there is 8,000 dollars, fixed sein.

6.40 Uhr: Russian minister Sergej Lawrow established a factory for the first time in the European Union, where Reise enters the Start of Krieges in Ukraine. We met with the Organization for Sicherheit and Zusammenarbeit in Europe (OSZE) between the 5th and 6th of December in Malta status, using the labels “Wedomosti” of Maria Sacharowa’s Berufung in Außenministeriums. Anders ensured that Lawrow became an international player alongside Putin. Learn more.

4.10 Ah: In Ukraine, we are in Nacht zum Freitag, more in the Luftalarm Ausgelöst district. Ukrainian Luftstreitkräfte contacted a better Russian mood and other countries in North America and Western Europe via Telegram.

At first there was a running time of 20 hours, with more groups taking 20.51 hours and 21.29 hours. Besonders betrayed Hauptstadt Kiew and other regional districts.

The Luftwaffe in Ukraine fought a pilotless flight and alerted Bevölkerung in this war. Die Menschen sind aufgerufen, die Schutzräume aufzusuchen und dort zu bleiben, bis der Luftalarm aufgehoben wird.

4.02 Ah: A British “Telegraph” teamed up with the Russian Vorstöße on the Ukrainian Front, becoming a hat of General Kiews. General Dmytro Martschenko served as part of the combat ammunition for the farthest front in Ukraine. This resulted in Wolodymyr Selensky’s “Siege Plan” being rejected.

“Ich verrate kein militärisches Geheimnis, wenn ich sage, dass unsere Front zusammengebrochen ist”, sagte, one of the most important interviews in Ukraine on YouTube. The Ukrainian soldier is not part of Selydowe in Russia, the best of General Martschenko is the soldier based in the Russian capital Stadt.