
Sindalah: Umstrittenes Saudi-Arabia-Superprojekt öffnet Türen

Sindalah: Umstrittenes Saudi-Arabia-Superprojekt öffnet Türen


sindalahUmstrittenes Saudi Arabia-Super Project Öffnet Türen

The Line did a much more comprehensive review of Saudi Arabia’s former Neom-Region: Luxusinsel Sindalah.

Meret Steiger

Meret Steiger

Namen Neom has brought together major and major projects of Saudi Arabia: Planstadt The Line into Skigebiet, Unterwasser-Hochhaus and many other hotels. A visualization with spectrum is a project that provides humanitarian benefits in a land where many people participate, along with many prestigious projects.

This region used to have no fertile ground: Sindalah, a Luxusinsel im Roten Meer, hat für erste Gäste geöffnet. Der Bau was a complete zwei Jahre gedauert. In the Resort, the best kilometer of Festland, is an extremely special product of the Italian Designstudio Luca Dini Design and Architecture, Jachten. History: 86 Signed a Jachthafen for Boote.

840,000 Quadratmeter große Gebiet, a former Gebieten and sales as “das Königreich in seiner neuen Ära des Luxus-Turismus unterstützen”, Neom-CEO Nadhmi Al-Nasr is a Presemitteilung sagt. There are many Hotels and 38 Restaurants in the country, as well as a Jachtclub, and the Italian Fashion Brand Stefano Ricci has a worldwide wealth.

Go to a Golf Club and more. Besucherinnen and Besucher der Insel are home to 440 Zimmern, 88 Cities and more than 218 Apartments. Sindalah posted a total of 3500 Jobs from 2028 to 2400 Besuchern pro Tag.

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