
Schwerer Unfall with Motorrad-Fahrern in Schwarzwald

Schwerer Unfall with Motorrad-Fahrern in Schwarzwald

Some automated processes came together to make it much better. Zwei Motorradfahrer knows early on how to move quickly and safely.

A motorcycle crashes in the Schwarzwald and two young cyclists spend more time together. The last of the crash war, an autodrive on the B500, went all over the Hundseck, for short and long periods, with the Polisei Offenburg.

Schwerer Unfall: Motorradfahrer in Krankenhaus

Their motorradors died too early, that’s from Beamten. A 21-Year Jähriger raced alongside Auto and an 18-Year Motorradfahrer turned Bremsen zu Fall. Beide jungen Männer erlitten nach Polizeiangaben schwere Verletzungen, sie kamen in a nahegelegene Clinic. Die Insassen im Pkw blieben unverletzt.