
Was the war on the Tote in Hanover?

Was the war on the Tote in Hanover?

The existence of a skeleton was revealed in Hannover in the 1990s. Verbrechen has never been identified, but the identity of the woman remains unknown.

Vieles on Mordfall charge. So, I want to make a new selection between 1989 and 1992. No credentials are a good thing. Deshalb bit the Staatsanwaltschaft and the Polizedirektion in Hanover in Hinweise. 6. In November, I am in the Cold Case at the Bundeswehrgelände in the Fernsehsendung “Aktenzeichen XY…ungelöst” vorgestellt.

On August 20, 1994, Skelett met with a Geology Student in Hannover-Bothfeld, Germany. Die Leiche fought land crime on an area of ​​approximately 1.10 Meters, and this was in the hands of women in the hands of Handschellen. Kriminal Technische Untersuchungen ergaben, with women entering the war, two things are also considered in the Erdloch delay in order to achieve a better result. So, Ermittler davon aus, dass sie zwischen died during the wars in 1989 and 1992.

Unbekannte, a single Gestalt und rötlich-braune Haare gehabt haben. This happened with an Aufschrift T-shirt called “Little Italy – New York City”, a Herren-Sweatshirt from Adidas, yesterday’s Goldlegierung and a Panzerkette from 36 to 39 with Weiße Tennissock.

After the war, women’s Schneidezähne are used very harshly and constantly in a much better way. This requires allowing a change to be made and modified later.

Durch kriminal technische Untersuchungen konnte die polizei ihr Alter auf zwischen 30 und 55 years later. Even though 1934 and 1957 were the same.

Wer Wer Hinweise zur Identität der Geben kann or relevant Zeitraum Beobachtungen auf dem Truppenübungsplatz “Bothfelder Heide” gemacht hat, wird gezen, sich phone number 0511/109-5555 beim Kriminaldauerdienst Hannover zu melden. This was sent via email to a [email protected].

Der Bothfelder Fall ist Teil der Internationalen Kampagne “Introduce Me”. Mit dieser, Polizeiorganization of Aufklärung together with a group of women in Europe will be carried out by Interpol. Polizei sucht sie nach Hinweisen zu insgesamt 46 Frauenleichen in German, Belgium, New Zealand, Italy, France and Spain; What’s wrong with this in Deutschland?