
Toronto: Gans worked at Frontscheibe von Flugzeug and piloten

Toronto: Gans worked at Frontscheibe von Flugzeug and piloten

Boeing 737-8 Max, Canadian Billigairline Flair Airlines, in Toronto with Flug F8-641 in Winnipeg, Steigflug von der Startbahn 33L, with Flugzeug during a hot flight. He dies from “Aviation Herald”.

A Vögel received Windschutzscheibe from Kapitäns geflogen und durchschlug diese. It was also piloted during the pilot announced by Glassplitter. Besatzung saved Steigflug for 30 minutes in a time of 1500 Meters and later with a flow from Landung in Toronto.

Das Flugzeug anschließend von Marana in the USA reparation und a Woche am Boden bleiben müssen. dem Aerotelegraph Make the most of the Cockpit Wind Diagram of the Boeing 737 Max in Schichten. Something else happened with Glas and we came across a vinyl Schicht. So calm that we resisted a Vogelschlag sein and a Vorfälle.