
New Epstein-Tonband Arrives in the US: What’s Wrong with Trump?

New Epstein-Tonband Arrives in the US: What’s Wrong with Trump?

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Donald Trump had to make a US-Wahl deal that Jeffrey Epstein would use much more effectively. Die Sätze sind alles andere als schmeichelhaft.

New York – Obwohl is the top player of 2019, a place that includes Jeffrey Epstein. ABD-Wahl Wieder zu Wort. Unite with an Aussagen Donald Trump In Bedrängnis Bringen, der sich auf dem erneuten Weg ins Weiße Haus gegen Kamala Harris durchsetzen muss. Allerdings äußert sich der mutmaßlich durch Suizid in seiner Gefängniszelle ums Leben gekommene Real Sexual Straftäter Jenseits’ keineswegs.

I think that the US writer Michael Wolff was the first jetzt and Tageslicht of the Australian Epstein. This stems from a 2017 Gespräch of Trumps at Weißen Haus with Wolffs Buch “Fire and Fury”.

Reorganization: Nothing was done with Suizid or Suizid-Absichten Verdacht in general, but nothing was done. Many important situations have once again emerged as an important business activity. When you encounter a person in an existing crisis or depression, call 0800-1110111. Hilfe bietet auch der Krisendienst Psychiatrie Oberbayern, 0800-6553000. You can find further information on the website

Epstein and Trump: “War is now my best friend”

Veröffentlicht wurden sie vom US-Medium Daily Monsterhe is also a partner on the Wolffs’ “Fire and Fury” podcast. Die Aufnahmen had a chance to do a better job against Trump. Another day, what Investment Banking with the Journalist in Pedophilia will understand is a beautiful thing. Republican wisely. “Ich war zehn Jahre lang Donalds bester Freund”, antwortet Epstein.

Danach once again allowed Trump to do too much. Außerdem is a company where Epstein works with top trainers and TV Stars Bureau and personal assistants who are later assisted by Bodyguard or assistant Michael Cohen. “Sein Schreien ist die Art und Weise, wie er Menchen.” Er hat einen Wutanfall, temperament”, according to Epstein: “Wenn man ihn nicht nicht versteht, ist es beängstigend.” The sobald man is versatile, which is a very beautiful thing.”

A small Portion Lob turned into a Trump, and it was also described very well: “It’s fascinating.” Auf eine hinterhältige Weise is very attractive.“ Alerdings, “a typical tragicomic, a new Mist Glaubt”. So there is no big difference in Kauf.

New Epstein-Tonband Arrives in the US: What’s Wrong with Trump?
In an Element: Donald Trump said Jeffrey Epstein made it happen. © Julia Demaree Nikhinson, image association/dpa/AP

Trump vs. USA-Wahl: Epstein-Aussagen Uses Tactics for Frauen’s Verführung

Politisch scheinen sie zu jener Zeit schon eher auf einer Welle geschwommen zu sein. “Best dingen ziemlich gute Arbeit geleistet, wofür er aber keine Anerkennung erhielt. All das Transgender-Zeug, das Toiletten-Zeug, die Rückgabe der Waffen an die Polizei“, find Epstein.

I Weiteren Verlauf des Gesprächs, also a Vorgehen zu ging, wenn es ging, Frauen von ihren Partnern zu trennen. Mann has investments in the casino and Trump’s women visit Abendessen’s casino. “Despite this, everything is going well, Arm um die Schulter des Mädchens, der Leibwächter kam herbei und Donald, schwupp, nahm das Mädchen mit”, Epstein quickly Tactic zusammen.

Another is: There is a man in Trump Tower and next time he is not part of Sexleben. Above sei ihm Sex mit Teilnehmerinnen von Schönheitswettbewerben angeboten worden. Der Gast has always had a joint business partnership with Ahnung regarding everything Freisprecheinrichtung.

Trump and a stronger Vorwurf: “Er nutzt das Vertrauen aus, um böse Dinge zu tun”

Wolff rescued Epstein from Trump’s intelligence and enabled his associates to achieve great success. Schließlich proves that Immobilien-Deals are a wonderful thing. And more: “Er ist ein Verkäufer.” And Non-Stills are very good for us. What happened? Weiß er nichts.”

After Wolff’s response to Epstein: “Er könnte sicherlich nicht mal eine Bilanz lesen. (…) Davon hates Ahnung.” Auch Zeitungen lese Trump nicht.

I had Verlauf bring in Epstein Sätze, which also happened personally at Vorwurf zu. “Er tut seinen besten Freunden schlimme Dinge an. And a woman. At first, you have something to earn, and after that, there is much more. I mean, I laughed a lot and said hello to Trump.

Thoughts and Actions of Michael Wolff
Conversation between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump: US Journalist Michael Wolff wrote Buch’s book “Fire and Fury” for 2018. © IMAGO / APress

Trump Team Vorwürfe of Epstein: “Falsche Verleumdungen von gescheitertem Journalist”

Ex-President’s Lager just got a lot better and easier with enthusiasm. The US Central Region, a Sprecher of Wolff in the Trump-Campaign, was praised: “As a surprise in Wahlen, as a person called Kamala Harris, a very wrong Verleumdungen vorzunehmen, alles im Bemühen, “This is a good thing for another, one of the best journalists in the world.”

This is something Trump did with “Jeffrey Epstein and Mar-a-Lago rausgeworfen,” with a “comeback” by Team Weiter. Vorwürfen des Sexhandels erfahren habe.

Mann stopped at Sitzungssaal Photograph in the Hands of Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump
Zweimal recht freundlich: At the same time with Donald Trump dies in the same way as Jeffrey Epstein (left). © IMAGO / MediaPunch

Trump’s New Beschuldigungen: Wolff Created the New Epstein’s Zeitpunkt

Wolff hosted a podcast on a podcast with Epstein’s grandfather, who later from Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung New Models with Stacey Williams. Along with Mrs. Trump, he was among the friends of Epstein whom Jahren kidnapped in the 1990s. Wolff resonated in Thema überwältigend gewesen, which was published once again in a podcast, “a little late, when a man was once again about to die with Trump and Epstein, he contributed a lot to Verborgenen zu liegen schien”.

Damals brought Epstein to meet with Trump, but they achieved nothing at his booth in the United States. While other friends of Freundschaft have a bad label and label, that’s why I was disqualified.

We know that Wolff purchased 1000 Stunden Bandmaterial from Epstein Interviews. The backgrounds helped Wolff create a biography based on one that Epstein had written. Jüngster Vergangenheit was one of the most important speculations of the autumn Epstein. oh Trump and Autumn has arrived Ok. And Also Prominente Sollen zusätzliche Veröffentlichungen befürchten müssen. (mg)