
Emily Armstrong: Linkin-Park-Sängerin “hat sehr zu campfen”

Emily Armstrong: Linkin-Park-Sängerin “hat sehr zu campfen”


Start EuropatourneeNeue Linkin-Park-Sängerin «After Bühne sehr zu kämpfen»

Did you have a meeting in Paris and once again: Do you agree with Emily Armstrong? The two Urschreien arrived with Chester Bennington’s Nachfolgerin and Fans.

Dario Aeberli
  • Linkin Park hired Emily Armstrong as the group’s new leader in September.

  • As part of Scientology and Unterstützung, there are many points where we face critical confrontation.

  • The band was unaware of the European Tour.

For the first time, Konzert did not play alone at the Publikum, where Emily Armstrong (38) announced for the first time at the Arena of 40,000 in Paris. Sieben Jahre, Linkin-Park-Frontsängers From Chester Bennington to Tod, Die lauter brüllen as priestess of the Fans: “I want to heal” (dt: Ich will heilen).

«Solche Songs haben mir durch schwere Zeiten in meinem Leben geholfen», erzählt der 26-jährigen Ukrainian Kyryla 20 Minuten im Stadion.

Zerstört Band or Erbe?

Linkin Park meets Chester’s Ersatz once again. In September 2024, in the Group, Armstrong, as the new leader, led the Reaktion aboard the Fanlager together with the tall Fan Marty (41) in the Konzert in Paris.

“Eigentlich hat sie musikalisch ein Mega-Potenzial”, sagt er. Nothing but Scientology and Vergewaltigers Danny Masterson (48) has a Fanlagers of the Guardians. Ihre Wahl zur Leadsängerin hat irritated, weil die Band der Familie Benningtons eigentlich vesprochen hatte, die Entscheidung mit ihr absusprechen. Here you go, Chesters Sohn bei Instagram: «Ihr zerstört damit das Erbe meines Vaters.»

Armstrong’s Auftritt and Sonntagabend in Paris was a Charmeoffensive attack by Wogen zu Glatten. The fall of Dominik (35) will stop Band die Treue. He first spoke at the Backstagebereich in Paris in 2001 and predicted: «Ihr werdet ganz ganz!» Danach is a photo of Bennington, beautiful and blonde.

“Emily Armstrong is amazing”

Zwillinge Sophie and Hannah met in Paris with Nähe von Würzburg, with Konzert in Hamburg the war ended. 26-Jährigen is the former Linkin-Park-Konzert. “We think Emily is cool, but Stimme comes at a cost.”

Once upon a time Mal zeigen kann sie das beim neuen Lied “Void Machine”. “Bei den für sie geschriebenen Songs ist sie echt gut”, according to Zürcher Marty.

Armstrong’s Works and Works and Works

Marty visited a Konzert in London in September and something in Eindruck: I came across the best Song Catalog once again. «Beim Wechsel zwischen den feinen und lauten Tönen, so Schreien hat sie siehr zu Kampfen. Aber said that he and Chester got along very well and that they were very brave to warn us.”

Fans had such a great experience and a fresh start for the couple after the Konzert – they were once again on a Katastrophe tour. Armstrong needs to develop a technology and present a dossier to Schreie. In the past, this was something “Given Up” from the new day of Stimmbänder. Das Publikum klatscht, Armstrong schreit weiter und weiter, bis die Menge in Jubel ausbricht.

Linkin Park passes Wort to Chester Bennington

“Finally” appeared as part of a group of accents. After the song is fully sung and published, Konzert and Allein must also be present. Armstrong and Band Leader Mike Shinoda, 47, stopped the microphone.

Every day at the Arena came Sangerin from Urschrei with a collective group called “Wow”. Shinoda opted for Anschluss for Fans in Linkin Park’s new era. «Aber sie haben kein einziges Wort zu Chester verloren, ich check das nicht», sagt der Zürcher Marty nach der Show. The Heimweg has a Women’s Group, the new Urschrei of the new Linkin-Park-Sängerin.

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