
Trump or Harris? Wahltag started in the USA

Trump or Harris? Wahltag started in the USA

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Trump or Harris? Wahltag started in the USA
The best festival of old Ergebnis: In a small Dort, men died as Harris and Trump met. © Charles Krupa/AP/dpa

America thinks that World Politics is another thing that Gleichgewicht can bring. Zum Auftakt Menschen Schlange in Historical Records.

Washington – This is available on a historical Wahltag: There is an ancient Wahllokale geoffnet in the USA. Neither Democrat Kamala Harris nor Republican Donald Trump warned Americans in any way while they were at the Weiße Haus. Between 5th and 6th November Wahlnacht participated in Weltpolitik, another thing brought by Gleichgewicht.

While Spiel’s political stability in the United States had not yet been achieved, he played an important role in international offices and transatlantic relations. Die Verflechtungen Deutschlands und Europas mit den Vereinigten Staaten wirtschaftlichen Bereich riesig und haben im Verteidigungsbereich sogar available dimensions.

Erste Ergebnisse: Gleichstand in Dixville Notch

Bereits um Mitternacht (Ortszeit) in the first place: Das kleine Dörfchen Dixville Notch im Bundesstaat New Hampshire, elsewhere. A hand job was something Harris and Trump had been waiting for. 100 To die by betting on Prozent.

Wahllokal in Dixville Notch shows Wahltag deserved Mitternacht in 1960. At Skiort in Canada, there is also a place to enroll in Wähler, as well as Stimmabgabe and Auszählung Schnell. Bei der Wahl 2020 was an event that US President Joe Biden would have Trump excited about.

The results of Skiort have not lasted long yet, we are in Ende Prasident, we can point Germany to Sinnbild for the best policies within this country. Nach Angaben in US-Mediterranean picks Umfragen so badly – and Wahlausgang has nothing either.

Schlangen and old Wahllokalen

Am Morgen (Ortszeit) machten die Wahllokale in large Städten und Kommunen im Osten des Landes auf. While it is 7.00 Uhr (13.00 Uhr MEZ) in Washington DC, it is another hour in New York. In many of the “Swing States,” Wähler deserves Wahlurnen, as does North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and in the Western States, Arizona. An email is much more easily known as Schlangen.

USA-Wahlen 2024 - Pennsylvania
A great war of Wahlokalen, says Andrang. © Matt Slocum/AP/dpa

Spending more time in the USA, zieht sich as nothing but Wahllokale for more Stunden. Im Westküstenstaat Kalifornien can manage Stimme abgeben with 7.00 Uhr Ortszeit (16.00 Uhr MEZ). In Schlusslichter in Hawaii and Alaska: With a Private Group in the Northern Territory – for a longer period of time a night, you can get more water than 6,00 hours MEZ in North America.

Fast 83 Million stimulated abdominal muscles

Viele Wähler received some warnings. Fast 83 Million US-Bürger quickly activated all of Wahltag’s labels with the “Choice Lab” at the University of Florida. More than half of 2020 has been completed with Stimmen’s participation.

Big Shows zum Wahlkampfabschluss

Harris and Trump once again enrich themselves in Wahl with a huge Schlusskundgebungen. Harris soon flanked the Stars in the “Swing State” Pennsylvania siege in Philadelphia. Along with the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Cultural Film “Rocky”, published on 60-Jährige: “Heute Abend wie es so, wie wir es begonnen haben, mit Optimismus, mit Energie und mit Freude.” erwähnte sie nicht – ihre Nothing happened afterwards and yet Stunde.

Wahlkampf in the USA - Harris in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
“Heute Abend started that way, with Optimismus, with Energie and Freude,” argued Harris. © Matt Slocum/AP/dpa

We set up Trump once again for a long time, as the Monologue and Monologue attend another major political event in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the “Swing State.” Harris speaks of 78-Jährige: “You have a new IQ and with a person with a low IQ. Das haben wir seit vier Jahren. And the Land has a runner from Bach.”

Wünschen once again made a statement about the restructuring before going after Trump. Harris saw in “Verrückte a connecting radical,” a scheme. U.S. Rep. J.D. Vance’s Trump candidacy prompted Harris to speak harshly to Worten: “What Müll brought to Washington D.C. and Kamala Harris is very good,” he said.

Wahlkampf USA - Trump in Grand Rapids
“Unser Land became Bach’s running mate,” Trump said. © Carlos Osorio/AP/dpa

Anger and Gewalt

This is Zufall, the last time Harris and Trump met in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Pennsylvania has gilded potential – more than 19 holes, some other “Swing State”. In this, like everywhere else in the Federal Republic, there are Democrats and Republicans, with other states coming together between Democrats and Republicans, leading to more crime.

Wahltag warnings are not about Spannung, but there are warnings about Sorge vor Ausschreitungen or Gewalt. There is a Geschäftsleute in Hauptstadt, between Schaufenster and Holzplatten in the Zentrum.

Trump has more Zweifel in Wahl’s Integration and the Democrats’ War. Joe Biden’s participation in the 2020 Season has not yet occurred. By the way, there is a nice narrative and beautification plan, and Betrug can reach Sieg.

Ergebnis möglicherweise first nach Tagen

Trump says wrong Erwartungen und Stimmen Auszählung. “Wollen die Antwort heute Nacht”, sagte der 78-Jährige beim Wahlkampfabschluss. Das gilded jedoch als unwahrscheinlich. Besonders receive a brief warning from Auszählungsprozess. Formerly the large Wahlokale and Ostküste in Mitternacht deutscher Zeit, USA. Anders in Germany tells a lot about Wahlsieger to Prognose.

2020 was the first time Biden had a Tag from Sieger to Samstag, but also from Wahldatum. Von Trumps Sieg 2016 shows that Americans in the United States are among the best of Morgen and Wahl erfahren.

Die magische Zahl 270

The US Prime Minister indirectly benefits from Volk. Stimmen der Wählerinnen and Wähler have joined the Zusammensetzung of the Wahl schools to ensure that education in December continues for a longer period of time. The Bundesstaat has the best Stimmenanzahl and also has the wealth of Einwohnerzahl.

Bei der Wahl quickly “the winner takes all” in Bundesstaaten das Prinzip: Der Kandidat, der dort gewinnt, erhält die Stimmen aller Wahlleute des Bundesstaats. Für den Einzug ins Weiße Haus braucht ein Kandidat letztlich too nicht die meisten Stimmen des Volkes (“popular vote”), sondern die Mehrheit der 538 Wahlleute (“electoral vote”)- also mindestens 270. dpa