
Finanzminister stellt sich Hearing – Radio Arabella

Finanzminister stellt sich Hearing – Radio Arabella

Noch-Finanzminister Magnus Brunner faced a problem and had nothing to lose. Der ÖVP-Politiker is sold as the EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration in Brussels. Heute Abend uses his hearing very well in the EU Parliament.

Drei Stunden worked for a long time with two great finance ministers from Fragen Rede and Antwort. Beobachter knows that Brunner is very good at hearing and is now the best in Finance and the best in Immigration Management. EU Commissioners’ Immigration Commission’s warnings about Brunner’s big plane: EU-Asyl and Migrationspakt are expected to come together, with Bulgaria and Romania entering the Schengenraum and the new EU-Abschiebegesetz.

Giving up on a new EU Commission in the final makes it possible to find a new status. Everything was done at its best in old Runde. That’s all Seltenheit.