
Boeing-CEO Brings Belegschaft Together with Streik on

Boeing-CEO Brings Belegschaft Together with Streik on

Boeing CEO Kelly Ortberg runs Herausforderung, which has a production line of more than 33,000 Factories in the Northwest in the United States and then has a morally good Spannungen and moral values. They have a much better investment plan, but they had to abandon their new investment in Boeing (NYSE:), which was up 38%.

Der Streik is also located in the interior of the Gewerkschaftsmitgliedern and zwischen Angestellten and Factoryrbeitern, as well as Vorstand and Maschinisten, among other construction machines. Ortberg was the first quarter of the Boeing übernahm, a way to breathe more: Flugzeugproduktion with Verteidigungs and Raumfahrtgeschäft needs to be easier and have a period of crisis and epidemic. Ferkette Stark.

In a Memo, Belegschaft am Montag concrete Ortberg die Notwendigkeit von Einheit und Zusammenarbeit, um das Unternehmen voranzubringen. Die Streikverhandlungen offenbarten always, dass die Boeing-Führung die Unzfriedenheit der Arbeiter unterschätzt hatte. Having a lot of activities and records and tax records leads to the payment of debts that are not allowed to decrease inflation.

Obwohl Ortberg, with numerous krisengeplagtes, made the Ansatz meet Streikverhandlüngen kritisiert. Insbesondere seine Abwesenheit in entscheidenden Momenten stieß auf Unverständnis. Personal Beteiligung first allowing a Gespräche the day before Durchbruch at the Arbeitsministeriums Offices in Seattle.

Trotz des erzielten Kompromisses bleiben Tausende von Arbeitern unzfrieden. The Plan des Unternehmens was reduced by 10% with the Belegschaft, which further increased the Unsicherheit Gefühls under the Mitarbeitern.

Streiks can get more: You can buy more products to have more products and production in South Carolina. At Boeing, internal flights can be operated by performing flight and data security operations.

In parallel, Boeing continues with the production of the 737 MAX, with a larger Haupteinnahmequelle. There has to be something much better to deliver greater returns because there is something that stakeholders can benefit from more.

Reuters has a beige article.

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