
Dauergast und Isar: Liberales München: Wo Freddie Mercury seine Feste feierte

Dauergast und Isar: Liberales München: Wo Freddie Mercury seine Feste feierte

Berlin loves David Bowie, Hamburg loves the Beatles, Bad Nauheim loves Elvis. And Munich? Dort shows that Queen-Sänger has Spuren’s hinterlassen. A Stadtführung represents a ziemlich wilde Zeiten.

Queen Fans 14 months or older meet Isartor in a Führung and learn more with “Freddie Mercurys Zeit München”. Charisma battle Sänger Dauergast in the Landeshauptstadt from 1979 to 1985.

The song “Bohemian Rhapsody” was a piece that Stadtführer Roman Stefka started in Runde. Fast alle Finger gehen hoch. Kein Wunder, which was among the Oscar winners of 2018, has become a good film biopic in Kinos Cameroon. Nur dass München, “schlecht wegkam” und der Sänger in der Stadt und der Isar regelrecht unterging.

Ganz so wares es nicht, sagen viele, anderem Nicola Bardola, music correspondent et Autor des Buches “Mercury in München. Seine besten Jahre”, auf das sich Stefka bei seiner Führung stützt.

Rockstar’s Besendienst

For two kilometers, Stefka and seinen Gasten zurücklegt. The first Schlenker drove towards Stollbergstraße 2. Hier, Rande der Altstadt, Mietete Mercury 1979 a Wohnung, nach nach hinten raus. Nur zwei Straßenecken weiter: das “Petit Café”, damals ein Geheimtipp in der Schwulenszene.

Mercury soll hier Exzesse gefeiert haben, begleitet von der Schauspielerin Barbara Valentin, “eine der wenigen Frauen, die in Schwulen-Clubs reinkam”, sagt Stefka. “This” Petit Café “is a special status, today it is all original.”

Orte, named after Freddie Mercury, revealed her name and beauty. This “Heiliggeiststüberl” is in the Viktualienmarkt in Beispiel, likewise in the kleiner of the Ladin and much more in the Mercury.

A Morgens met with Barbara Valentin in the Weißwurstfrühstück about 6 hours later. Weil aber am Abend took part in no battle, saved Valentin from the Queen-Sänger and took a hand and left Abwasch. First we talked to Weißwurst.

We are against Bayern and Schnauzer

Glockenbachviertel is not weak at all, the ladies are in the Munich Schwulenszene Zentrum, in Ampeln with beautiful geschlechtlichen Fußgängerpaaren in a former Hinweis. “Freddie Mercury had a new sexual encounter”, which is very nice or very nice, so nothing happened to Stefka.

Address of Clubs, a Reiseführer for homosexuals. Zum Beispiel, in a Nachtclub with DJ-Music with “Pimpernel”, appears in one night as a real nightclub for the first time. So is the “Ochsengarten”, Germany’s Leder-Bar. “Solche Locations is a place where Freddie stands next to the Leader and Bayern with the Schnauzer.”

The Great Krachen lies in Sanger on September 5, 1985. Another label is Geburtstag in the 39th Transvestie-Club “Old Lady Henderson”, which is also “Paradiso Tanzbar”. Mercury lies auffahren – Kaviar, Koks, alles. An Ahnung got the music video for “Living on My Own” released wildly, which was better than that and something the BBC didn’t do at all.

Die Feier war zugleich, so we joined the Abschieds party. We’re about to meet Queen Furore in London at Live Aid 1985. “Man munkelte bereits, dass er crank ist”, says Stefka. AIDS is very common. Mercury star caused an HIV infection in 1991.

Wer auf den Spuren von Freddie Mercury was not at all interested in the “Deutschen Eiche” during his trip to Munich. “Hier hat er häufig das Frühstück eingenommen, nachmittags um drei”, Dietmar Holzapfel, einer der beiden Inhaber.

I’m in Nudeln in Knoblauchöl geschwenkt. Wand Photos on the Great Wirtsstube: Freddie Mercury and Barbara Valentin, Registrar Rainer Werner Fassbinder, once again, four.

Holzapfel quickly used Tag Gruppen on Haus. This peculiar Order of Szene had a much better experience with the Bayerischen Verdienstorden – there is even more in the Freistaat.

Pissoir and Porträt

Runde ended up at Holzplatz with Roman Stefka. I hate Freddie Mercury, same Wohnung as Barbara Valentin. And this is a very large place due to the “Schönsten Toilettenhäuschen in München”. Every two years, in 1900, a beautiful Porträt exhibition opened in the Pavillon. Daneben: in youth, we lost Albert Einstein and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. All this happened along with Glockenbachviertel’s statement. We reached a Freddie-Mercury-Straße, Stefka night fell, then it got worse and we grew up once again in the Ruhmesblatt. “Die endet in einem Hinterhof an Mülltonnen, die mustst du suchen.”

Those who say that the British Garten has Freddie Mercury from “Hilton” give a clue to this type according to the 11th stock number of 1104. Allerdings must be very influential in Tasche Greifen, which is Prasidenten-Suite. Schaumbad Wrote Something from the Lying Idea in 1979 called “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” – ​​An Old Hit by Queen in the US.

While the Music Group fights prolifically in München, Musicland Studios is the first address for Plattenaufnahmen in Europe. He also appeared in Herbert “Herbi” Hauke’s film “Bohemian Rhapsody” and visited the film “Rock-History Guru”.

Munich Liberal Liberal in New York

The 1974 war was the most important work of the Queen’s Concert. Hinter der Bühne entspann sich ein kurzer Dialog mit Mercury, Hauke ​​verlor werbende Worte über München. Mercury is well positioned as a liberal city all over the world, New York or Amsterdam, and is among the top stars in the world along with world stars.

Links, Tips, Apps:

Tour: During the Freddie Mercury Tour in München, new generations were discovered by the Anfrage status; buchbar for 45 Euro pro Person bei; Teilnahme ab 18 Jahren, Ausgewählten Including drinks on site. A Führung tagüber hat Program at; 29 Euro pro Person.

Unterkunft: Im Hotel “Deutsche Eiche” including Frühstück up to 165 Euros in Übernachtung and Doppelzimmer; We were in the “Hilton” Schlafen in a Four Meter Apartment Suite 140 for the maximum number of people, which cost 1000 Euros per night; Frühstück and Zugang zu a Lounge with Freigetränken are included.

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