
Wie GenAI autonomous Netze ermöglicht

Wie GenAI autonomous Netze ermöglicht

Telekommunikationsnetze der (nahen) Zukunft
Wie GenAI autonomous Netze ermöglicht

Von Erez Sverdlov

5 minutes

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Use of Telecommunications Network with Generative Intelligenz (GenAI). A highly flexible and adaptable system, Netze’s “traditional” KI-Fähigkeiten supports service autonomy and makes it more efficient.

Erez Sverdlov from Nokia Erläutert works with GenAI and Netzwerkin Frastruktur in the Telecommunications Network.(Image: Nokia)
Erez Sverdlov from Nokia provides services with GenAI and Netzwerkin infrastructure over telecommunication networks.

(Image: Nokia)

The Generative Künstliche Intelligenz (Generative AI; GenAI) is working towards a new Entwicklungsstufe at the Bereich Künstlicher Intelligenz. Have a more flexible and more comprehensive system and have a new generation system. Were telecommunications networks good, GenAI for Internet Connections and Netzinfrastructures were much more than Nutzung, and modernization could be autonomously controlled and carried out later.

GenAI can complement something that traditional KI has no use for. You can have a new machine interaction, a fresh start and basic structure data available in previous and subsequent jobs. Laut McKinsey Could Gain $140 to $180 Billion in Efficiency in the Telecommunications Industry by Bringing Technology to Traditional KI. GenAI is also designed for Production Steigerung in the Telecommunications Branch.

GenAI im Service- and Netzbetrieb

The service and Netzbetrieb zu nutzen have no technology, it comes with a transformation as well as a transformation that provides a new continuity. Netzbetreiber (CSPs), Neutral Hosts and Other Versions are very successful in creating an automated network combined with a Closed Loop Automation and a Supported Netz regarding managing the next generation Netze. unterstützt. The system is constantly running and running constantly, switching automatically and slowing down returns. The Art of Automating is equipped with a system (Closed Loop) to make the system much more efficient and productive.

This is not a good thing for managing and managing Netzmanagement with a KI and machine learning (ML). AIOps This is a Closed Loop Steuerung KI-gesteuerung zu ermöglichen. AIOps-Ansätze is Most Effective in Identifying Problems, Moving from Anomaly to Early State, Providing Correct Validation, Identifying and Providing the Best Solutions.

Netze der Zukunft: Erfassen, Denken und Handeln

Was Netze der Zukunft können müssen, ist erfassen, dersen und handeln. Ben Ergen is an autonomous system, uses Netzwerk during the best use of Kennwert, works with KI accounting and Closed Loop Automation.

Die Ebene “Erfassen” (Emotion) Versatile Data, Domänen, Anbieter, Technologien und Schichten hinweg, daten sifern better Entscheidungsfindungen erforderlichen. Die Ebene “Denken” (Think) During the basic analysis of context and Ziel, Wissen is used to obtain more and more information. Die Ebene “Handeln” (Law) Wiederum führt Maßnahmen durch, um die Automatisierungsprozesse sicherzustellen.

GenAI appears in the first Linie Teil der Ebene “Denken” und kann neues Wissen bzw. neue Erkenntnisse erzeugen, die dann in allen drei Ebenen genutzt werden können. You can convert next-generation AI network adapters to a new data transfer with “Access” and reconfigure GenAI automation to “generally”.

New Anwendungsfälle for autonomous Betriebsabläufe with Hilfe von GenAI

Telecommunications Services and Netzbetreiber benefit from Weg zu vollständig autonomen Betriebsabläufen: Digital Netzzwillinge, AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for Operations), absichtsgesteuerte Orchestrierung – Summary Purposes of Users in Technical Configuration and Actions rd, um die Verwaltung und den Betrieb von TK-Infrastructure optimized and Together with Schlüsseltechnologie, GenAI was developed at its best. These technologies are advanced and advanced technologies that include:

  • AIOps-gestützte Überwachung, Prävention und Korrektur für KI-gesteuerte Closed-Loop-Steuerung.
  • Digitale Zwillinge has Möglichkeit zur Vorvalidierung für Ergebnissen für Planung, Betrieb, Wartung und Innovationen.
  • Intention-basierte, declarative Orchestrierung ermöglicht die Fokussierung auf Geschäftsziele.
  • This system has been automatically optimized to achieve the plan with GenAI.

GenAI can offer a new dynamism and a new experience. The new data can be used for better use of the System as well as to appoint an Administrator as an Administrator. Empower GenAI and work with more autonomous operators using the autonomy of next-generation Netzen. Zum Beispiel can make AIOps-Anwendungsfälle profitable from GenAI, collect data and provide dynamic insights for new data.

This is very important, so GenAI with a new technology called “Co-Pilot-Anwendungen” together with the Computer has learned and analyzed the information about the precious jewels. vereinfachen , or also automatically produced, traditionally manually produced. Thanks to the Design and Best Project Planning of the Services, the Meldung and Analysis of Störungen can be done and this is nothing new.

Another major development that remains comes from GenAI in Stufe 5, where TM Forum defines Autonomy Management for Telecommunications management. Um diese Stufe zu erlangen, sind zusätzliche Fähigkeiten für “Intention” (Verstehen declarativer Vorgaben), situationals Erfassen, Analyze, Entscheidung und Ausführung erforderlich. The System may therefore have a new Purpose/Aushandeln and a newer AI for AIOps-gesteuerte Prozesse and Kreislauf-Management (Closed Loop) together with a new Artificial Intelligence and New Design (Closed Loop).

The best choice is that your system is not in a single autonomous operation, but has more functions and more functions, effective use of systems and alternative options. Therefore, the System can be described as a predefined and structured system with Service Phases (Closed Loop) for all Phases of Design for a better performance.

Digitale Betriebsabläufe at Zukunft

GenAI-Fahigkeiten weiterentwickeln surpasses müssen Netzbetreiber and Netzausrüster together with Nokia with the “Digital Operations Center” in the configuration of the autonomous Netze investors. The comprehensive complex structure of Netz management provides a versatile activation to enrich and improve Netze, thus providing a “search” and easier access and automatically expanding nom handeln können, ohne dass der Mensch eingreifen muss.

GenAI has a flexible and advanced data flow, offering versatile and new dynamics and new information with an unstructured data and context.

Über from the author

Erez Sverdlov is the European Market Leader in Cloud and Network Services Nokia’s. There has been Erfahrung in the Global Telecommunications/Technology Branch for 30 Years and Nokia’s Software Developments continue in Europe.
