
Xiaomi: Neuer Touch Screen, Lautsprecher and Spracheingabe for Smart Home is an extremely compact and durable solution

Xiaomi: Neuer Touch Screen, Lautsprecher and Spracheingabe for Smart Home is an extremely compact and durable solution

Smart Home Screen Mini is an extremely compact and superior touch and touch technology from Xiaomi (Bildquelle: Xiaomi)
Smart Home Screen Mini is an extremely compact and superior touch and touch technology from Xiaomi (Bildquelle: Xiaomi)

Xiaomi has an Angebot, a Smart Home Device. Little hands do not have a smart display with a new lamp or a sensor. Auf diesem lassen sich Medieninhalte wiedergeben und die Steuerung des eigenen makes Zuhauses much smarter.

Dem? Xiaomi Smart Home Screen Mini Xiaomi launches new smart products – top alerts on China’s Heimatmarkt. Dabei handelt es sich – der Name verrät es bereits – a comprehensive system. So miss der Bildschirm in der Diagonalen nur 3,97 Zoll, viele andere smarte Bildschirme etwa von Amazon sind zum Teil deutlich größer. Take a screenshot with a resolution of 800 x 480 Pixels so you can have a more comfortable view at night. The Display, one of the smallest of smartphones, is Gesamtsystem – also the more Display and Display – the better system. Abmessungen had a size of 113 x 78 x 54 Millimeters and a weight of 239 Grams.

Verbaut sind wie an absolute Lautsprecher, but more payments are required to activate digital assistance and upgrade. Sprachsteuerung has a wide range of features and the Screen View is a moist Touch Functionality. Beispielsweise das einfache und Ausschalten von Lampen, so it cannot form a finger stroke. Die Wiedergabe von Music ist möglich, weiterhin solen sich Aufnahmen etwa einer smarten Türklingel veder Überwachungskameras Anzeigen Lassen.

Xiaomi Smart Home Screen Mini comes with Bluetooth Gateway. Bluetooth Mesh is a sensor with very large data, as well as Smart Home Devices and numerous data connections, and this is a sensor for which Überwachungskameras are by no means a perfect hinge. Im Rahmen offers a software update (together) with the KI-Unterstützung einziehen. There is a model regularly available in China at a price of 35 Euros, information for a product was released completely overnight globally.

Smart Home Cable for Smart Home Use (Bildquelle: Xiaomi)
Smart Home Cable for Smart Home Use (Bildquelle: Xiaomi)

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