
Harris congratulated Trump at Telefonat zu Wahlsieg

Harris congratulated Trump at Telefonat zu Wahlsieg

Für Kamala Harris fought in Wahlnacht ein Debakel. Jetzt greeted Medien alongside Republican Donald Trump.

Democratic Candidate Kamala Harris has moved from Niederlage in the United States to the Middle East. A call from Republican Donald Trump prompted Fernsehsender to be encouraged to team up by CNN’s “Wall Street Journal” and “New York Times.”

Harris managed to cook a meal full of fried foods. This is something that Harris and Nachmittag (Ortszeit; gegen 22.00 Uhr MEZ) and later Anhangern were also involved in.

On Wahlnacht, there was Vizepräsidentin in Debakel for 60 days. 78 years later, Former President Trump faced a new siege. Stimmen’s Leisure is clear that the Republican in January is more open at the Weiße Haus.