
USA-Wahlsieg von Donald Trump: Welche Folgen sind für den Tourismus zu erwarten?, KC3 Köpers Corporate & Crisis Communications GmbH, Story

USA-Wahlsieg von Donald Trump: Welche Folgen sind für den Tourismus zu erwarten?, KC3 Köpers Corporate & Crisis Communications GmbH, Story

A great success for Donald Trump and a good choice for the Weiße Haus Debates in 2025. Is Welche Folgen using Wahlsieg for Tourism? Timo Kohlenberg, Geschäftsführer of Nordamerika-Spezialisten America Unlimited, made Woche available in a Podcast Reisevor9. After some time, overnight, as part of the large Rückgängen der Reiselust in the Richtung USA, a freezer product stood for a day.

“Wir haben die Situation schon einmal erlebt”, erinnert sich Kohlenberg. “I think Trump has achieved great success and has made very simple chatter about stabilizing the market.” Die Nachfrage hat langfristig nicht wellitten.“ Analyzing well the current Wahlergebnisses in Kohlenberg: There is an opportunity in the market, an optimistic situation, the same situation as the old Trumps. stabilizer cable.

As part of Kundenseite, America Unlimited appears to have a strategy in Schublade. 2016 is back with an old humorous Kampagne of Trumps: “Für den Präsidenten können wir nichts, für die guten Angebote schon.” Kohlenberg factory, Falle von Marktunsicherheiten auch diesmal flexible zu reagieren.

Request an international image from the USA

More importantly, Kohlenberg found the US to have better Wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen under the Trump administration than in Australia as well as Bild. “A US President Trump would present a better picture. Das hat Auswirkungen darauf, wie willkommen sich Reisende im Land fühlen.” Trump dies because the US is influenced by the US-Reisende, despite a global change in domestic politics or international conflation.

Kamala Harris served as Hoffnungsträgerin for a positive tourism drive

Kohlenberg, a Democratic Party member of Kamala Harris, is also known as a symbol of crime and international security. A Präsidentschaft of Harris did not have a positive positive experience in Tourism Gebt. “Ihre Haltung steht für Offenheit und gemeinsame Werte. Das hätte deutsche Reisende sicherlich ermutigt und für ein positiveler Reiseerlebnis gesorgt“, i.e. Kohlenberg im Podcast.

Diversification of Sicherheitsstrategies

Sollte sees Wahlsieg, one of the best trades of the Kundschaft führen, as something Kohlenberg could achieve anything. There is a wide range of diversification between Australia and the Luxury Segment, and a stable Grundlage geschaffen with America Unlimited not far from the United States market. “Something from USA-Wahlen is a very nice, versatile brand and flexible product”, says concrete Kohlenberg.

Watch a great interview with Timo Kohlenberg on Reisevor9-Podcast: Podcast Link.

Über America Unlimited:

America Unlimited is one of the best services in Canada and the USA. He surpassed Michael Kohlenberg in 2006, Frau Angelika and Kindern Julia and Timo in 2007. Specific Goals in Hanover Features Rescheduling Plan with Flexible and Personal Service. Kundenbewertungen schneidet das für seine innovative Marketing und Vertriebsaktionen bekannte Familienunternehmen aufgrund seiner kompetenten Beratung überdurchschnittlich gut ab. America Unlimited has many other advantages that make it among the best in the TOP 50. Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter der America Unlimited GmbH with Julia Kurz and Bruder Timo Kohlenberg. Moreover, the Nordamerika-Expert ensured that America Unlimited GmbH had a very good advantage. 2011 marked the Launch of the Ausbau Portfolio Market in Other Zielgebiete with a Focus on the Premium Segment. There are a number of brands on Spezialveranstalter with Australian Unlimited for a return from Markt to Ozeanien in summer 2022.