
“Beunruhigender Trend” by deutscher Innovationskraft

“Beunruhigender Trend” by deutscher Innovationskraft

Stand: 06.11.2024 06:13 Uhr

Deutschland has made innovations in other states with a new report. Zugleich became more women and a business owner at MINT-Bereich. The prospect may have more upside.

Moritz Rödle

Deutschland Verliert an Innovative Vorsprung. The MINT-Herbstreport of the German Wirtschaft IW Institute was also here. ARD-Hauptstadtstudio very special.

MINT-Berufe sind Jobs im Bereich der Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Academically meet the Beispiel Ingenieure or Informatiker and the Ausbildungsberufe Elektroniker or Laboranten.

The studies were developed as a “new trend” between Blick and German Innovationskraft. The Danach ist Deutschland is Ausgaben for Forschung und Entwicklung – as part of the product Bruttoinlands – zurückgefallen. International shows that the Bundesrepublik, the Innovation Indicator, has the next Platz under the new states. And so it happened a year ago in Germany, in 2000, in Germany. Allerdings, Schweiz, Schweden had the best Steigerungsraten regions of Japan or Südkore. Dadurch fell to Deutschland.

innovationshindernis Fachkräftemangel

There are also patent patents, which is a negative study for a Trend festival. Der Anteil Deutschlands has an international patent certificate and received this certificate in the first half of 2000. Provinces in China or South Korea have large Fortschritte ships and Germany has fast eingeholt.

The works once again turned into patented works of art. Therefore, the electrification of Forschungsschwerpunkt and Richtung in the Automobile Industry in China in 2010 was very intense, while in Germany, the USA or Japan it was more moderately focused.

Häufigstes Innovationshindernis für deutsche Unternehmen is the MINT Report of Fachkräftemangel. In 2023 and 2024, it carried out the best cyclical investments in the bundesweit derzeit, reaching 200,000 MINT-Fachkraft. The versatile Wirtschaftszweige comes with a large Engpässe in Energy and Elektroberufen and in Machinery and Fahrzeugtechnik.

Höherer Frauenanteil

Positive work has achieved a good social and social result with 13.8 people in MINT-Berufen in previous years and 16.3 people for the first quarter of 2024. Sei der Anteil mit 16,9 Prozent sogar besonders hoch in Ostdeutschland. Allergies are seen as a condition of much greater concern.

Den höchste Frauenanteil in den MINT-Berufen pregnant es Berlin (22.4 Prozent), Hamburg (19.7 Prozent) et Thüringen (18.2 Prozent). Geringere Anteile studied in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rhineland-Palatinate (jewellery 14.4 Prozent) and Saarland (13.6 Prozent).

Positive Benefits from Innovations of German Unternehmen, Innovations from Fachkräften in Australia. At MINT-Berufen, Fachkräftelücke has done a good job of making better research and research. This amount resulted in 700,000 MINT-Stellen never being paid.

Mehrere Lösungsansätze

Laut MINT-Report bietet die Branche weiter gute Karrieremöglichkeiten. Es pregnant nur wenige befristete Stellen. The long-term Bruttomonats of MINT-Akademikern cost 5,900 Euros and achieved more Academic Success. Allerdings is a Durchschnittslohn in which the MINT-Herbstreport 2023 is not involved in any projects.

Neben der problembeschreibung unterbreiten die Autoren auch Lösungsvorschläge. This is something that interests MINT-Fächern zu fördern and Mädchen. Dafür solle die Berufs- und Studienwahl klischeefrei gestaltet werden. Enrich the mentoring program and better promote MINT-Frauen.

Is there another potential one? Dafür solle zum Beispiel lebenslanges Lernen und continuous Weiterbildung gefördert werden.

Additionally, no further work was done for Facharbeiter at MINT-Berufen. It is possible to study with an international student in Germany and spend more time getting a better education with more study programs.

Jim-Bob Nickschas, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, 05.11.2024 17:49 Uhr