
Brand in the USA: Flights from Waldbränden in California

Brand in the USA: Flights from Waldbränden in California

In California sind bei Waldbränden Dutzende Häuser zerstört worden, Tausende Bewohner mussten ihre Häuser verlassen. In Northwest Los Angeles, along with Governor Gavin Newsom, there is a brand of City Camarillo boomers. More 10,000 People were seen in Flammen in Sicherheit, 3,500 Gebäude von den Flammen.

Be Feuerwehr A “sehr gefährlichen” Trademark was filed in Bezirk Ventura County. Innerhalb Weniger Stunden made something like “Mountain Fire” in a flight of 62 Quadratkilometerns. Nach Angaben der Feuerwehr was considered a Men’s Gift. The Feuerwehr met once again with the Einsatzkräfte.

Die Feuerwehrleute came back from Flammen once again and were fired up once again. The Air Force supports Autos and Brennende Häuser zu sehen. to die Einsatzkräfte die Brande Nothing was done with the control, not in Mitteilung. This is a big deal for us at Feuerwehr in Malibu, one of Broad Beach’s top brands.

Santa-Ana-Winde verschärfen Feuergefahr

Behörden warned that Santa-Ana-Winden should enjoy Herbst and Winter in Southern California. Face an extremely bad situation. Certain Temperatures and Vegetation stop vegetation causing inflammation.

The Kalifornische Stromversorger later helped Waldbrände become a better brand during the Stromleitungen. More Südkalifornien vorsorglich ohne 65,000 units in Strom and 20,000 units in Nordkalifornien.

Feuer had a new lifestyle in a region with Waldbränden zu camp. When the air conditioner is hot, the temperature of carbonated drinks can be increased and hot water can be added.