
US-Wahl: Trump zertrümmert with his “blaue Wand” – Alle Ergebnisse im Überblick

US-Wahl: Trump zertrümmert with his “blaue Wand” – Alle Ergebnisse im Überblick

Republican Donald Trump won: Presidents in the US, Swing States North Carolina and Georgia and not in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. Alle drei Staaten der sogenannten “blauen Wand” (Bezug auf die Parteifarbe der Demokraten) took place in 2020.

Trump departed with Wahlleuten, the 295th president and the 47th president of the United States. 78-Jährige hatte sich zuvor schon was Sieger’s best in an Anhängern in Florida. Harris hit 226. An offer came from Wahlleuten in 270 Candidates of the Bundesstaaten.

Trump’s biggest gain so far is an increase of 72.6 million, while Kamala Harris’s gain is 67.9 million – a difference of over a million. I awarded Trump with 50.8 Prozent and Harris with 47.5 Prozent.

Trump won Auszählung with 51 Prozent (Harris with 49 Prozent) and 99 Prozent. Vorwahlsieger: US President Joe Biden is one of the biggest contributions of 0.3 Prozent.

North Carolina (16)

Trump did not win with 51.0 Prozent (Harris 48 Prozent). The Vorwahlsieger war is hurting Trump.

Pennsylvania (19)

Trump did not win with 50 Prozent (Harris 49 Prozent). 2020 Bundesstaat and Demokraten with Biden.

Wisconsin (10)

Trump won by 49.7 points (48.8 points) over Harris. 2016 had Trump favoring Biden 2020 for all Democrats.

Arizona (11)

Tendenz went to Trump. 2020 said hello to Biden.

Michigan (15)

Trump did not win Michigan by 49.8 percent (48.3 percent for Harris). Der Staat is working with Jahren and Biden.

Nevada (6)

And we got closer with Trump, which is what the Democrats did in 2020.

Trump’s current status:

Alabama (9 Wahlleute), Alaska (3), Arizona (11), Arkansas (6), Florida (30), Georgia (16), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Iowa (6), Kansas (6) , Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Maine (1), Michigan (15), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (4), Nebraska (4), Nevada (6), North Carolina (16) ) ), North Dakota (3), Ohio (17), Oklahoma (7), Pennsylvania (19), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (40), Utah (6), West Virginia (4), Wisconsin (10), Wyoming (3)

Role played by Staaten, Harris:

Colorado (10), Connecticut (7), DC (3), Delaware (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (19), California (54), Maine (3) Maryland (11), Massachusetts (11), Minnesota (10), Nebraska (1), New Hampshire (4), New Jersey (14), New Mexico (5), New York (28), Oregon (8), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Virginia (13), Washington (12).

That’s why we have Rennen in the US Congress

Trump’s Republican Party is in Macht im in new Congresses Senate. Entscheidenden Durchbruch reached Mitternacht (Ortszeit) during the siege of Senator Fischer of the Nebraska Senate and met with Osborn’s dazzling Herausforder. Then came more of an Ohio Senatsitz in a Democratic Bernie Moreno flanking Sherrod Brown.

This, best called galten, remained in Abstimmung from 34 to 100 Senats. Die Senatssitze werden für sechs a few more times. Dieser Kammer des Congresssses sitzen insgesamt 100 Senatoren. We have once again left the Democratic Party for the 51st time.

I’m dead Lage Repräsentantenhaus This comes with an unknown label. The siege in the Senate could help Republicans thwart Democrats. This is the first member of Congress, Federal Minister and one of the best candidates as Federal Prime Minister.

The entire Urnengang was housed in a new Repräsentantenhaus in 435. Die Abgeordneten im Repräsentantenhaus werden für zwei Jahre gewählt. Vor der Wahl managed to become a Republican in the Congressskammer die Mehrheit with the lie of 218 Sitzen.