
KI and Cyber ​​Security as Wachstumstreiber

KI and Cyber ​​Security as Wachstumstreiber

IT-Landschaft im Wandel
KI and Cybersecurity are Triad for IT and Information Technologies

Ein Gastbeitrag von Dermot McCann

4 minutes

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Technological Innovation is part of Wirtschaft and there is a better connection (KMU) between Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and the new Herausforderungen. A major IT Infrastructure is a complete Schutz management and development effort to launch the Cyber ​​Platform. Integration with Modern IT Strategy Element is very important for Intelligenz (KI) and Cyber ​​Security.

Fundamentals and Strong Focuses on Cyber ​​Security at IT-Landschaft.(Image: paripat
KI’s New Einsatz and their strong Focus on Cyber ​​Security have been transferred to IT-Landschaft.

(Image: paripat

Die Synergie aus THAT and Cyber ​​Security is better and stronger than more sensitive Data and Netzwerk for Optimized Processes. Very serious investments have been made in this Bereiche and it has a long-term and flexible structure, but this is encouraging for an initiative to be discontinued.

In the HP Threat Analytics Report, the number of most trusted Emails: 61 Malware vs. Malware. (Image: Joerg Habermeier -

KI: Trend for New Trends

The early emergence of KI Potential, working efficiently and can be put forward as the basic myth of IT Prozesse. Die Ergebnisse des aktuellen “Future of IT Research Report 2024” The best of Kaseya’s top trends. The 40th Step of IT-Dienstleister, which has a large budget for 2024.

This Initiative is a Priority Verschiebung of Technology, Automated Processes and Efficiency Efficiency. Einer Globalisierten Wirtschaft, der geschwindigkeit und flexibilität über den wettbewerbsvorteil entscheiden, ermöglien Ung von Ressourcen.

Optimization and cyber security operations can be done more easily during KI and automation processes. That’s why we’ve reduced the complexity in Betriebsabläufe and sourcing new innovations and strategies.

Kaseya’s investments are a significant technological development. Während 2023 noch etwa 20 Prozent der Befragten in KI und Machine Learning Research has led to more information being obtained in Drittel (37 people) in 2024. Ergebnisse had a broader optimism: to achieve a better result and a positive return of KI in the Geschäft. These stem from KI’s Einsatz for IT Efficiency and End Industry Productivity.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des “Future of IT Survey Reports 2024” von Kaseya

KI and Automation: Having more budget for KI-gesteuerte Lösungen with machines and IT automatics that are more efficient and more efficient for manual operation.

Cyber ​​Cyberness: Cyber ​​Sicherheit bleibt eine der grand Herausforderungen und führt zu höheren Investitionen in umfassende Sicherheitslösungen wie Penetration testsE-Mail-Sicherheit and Schwachstellen-Scans.

Konsolidierung of IT-Tools: It manages centralization and IT Management, eliminating complex complexities while bringing together All-in-One IT-Losungen. IT Teams, Sicherheit, Automatisierung and Infrastructures Unified with a Management Platform.

Cyber ​​Security: Ein Dauerbrenner im Fokus

Neben der KI stated that Cyber ​​Security is one of the best themes for IT Teams and has a huge Wachstumsbereich damage. Die Ergebnisse des “Future of IT Survey Reports 2024” zeigen, dass 43 Cyber ​​Security Prozent der Befragten als ihre größte Herausforderung betrachten. Many complex structures require much more Sicherheitslösungen investment.

Investigate your data, invest in Sicherheitsbewusstsein, E-Mail-Schutz, Penetration tests and Schwachstellen-Analysen for everything. Fast die Hälfte der Unternehmen facility, ihr Budget für IT-Sicherheit noch weiter aufzustocken. The integrations have been adjusted according to the integrated Sicherheitslösungen, connected to a digital Ökosysteme.

The productive KI used Bedrohungslandschaft and IT Sicherheitsexperten as a solution for a new Gefahr during the KI-gestützte Cyberangriffe zu schützen. (Image: sdecoret

Lost All Together as a Strategy Priority

I am one of the best income earned by All-in-One-Lösungen und Bedeutung, Bearbeitung multilerer Aufgaben und Prozesse vereinfachen, ohne dass fürure mehrrererelich sind separate Vehicles. Faster than half (42%), Anzahl der Anbieter and versatile tools can be used that further reduce cost and functional complexity.

One platform brought together for optimal cost and effective efficiency. When shrinking parts, Tools can allow Anzahl to do some reduction from Anzahl, making it easier to rearrange and rearrange some files. Integrated Models are not yet up to date, but then it is not possible to achieve anything with the complex of IT-Landschaft, a new Herausforderungen for Cyber ​​Security.

Fazit: Kill IT-Landschaft in Wandel

KI’s New Einsatz and their strong Focus on Cyber ​​Security have been transferred to IT-Landschaft. More information gives you more insight and automation so you work more efficiently and effectively. Dabei hat sich KI zum Budgettreiber entwickelt. Gleichzeitig bleibt Cyber ​​Security conducts Cyber ​​Security research, plain and simple, as a continuous and ongoing service.

This is a unified version with All-in-One IT-Lösungen, but also with Tools for unified platforms, spare parts are important in terms of cost and complexity. Trends are emerging more comprehensively, more broadly, for more far-reaching, more efficient and better digital environments.

Die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die sich durch diese Entwicklungen ergeben, sind zahlreich. However, new digital environments can be created with identified trends and new strategies.

Über from the author: Dermot McCann is Executive Vice President and General Manager EMEA kaseya. Another 25 Years Verfügt über Fahrung in Leitung global Technologieunternehmen.
