
Wertpapier Profile Open End Turbo Call Optionsschein auf Vonovia (UBS AG (London)) WKN UM489A ISIN DE000UM489A6 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpapier Profile Open End Turbo Call Optionsschein auf Vonovia (UBS AG (London)) WKN UM489A ISIN DE000UM489A6 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Gablitz ( – Vonovia’s expertise “HebelprodukteReport” with up-to-date information on Call-Optionsscheine regarding Aktie von Vonovia (ISIN DE000A1ML7J1 / WKN A1ML7J).

In the summer of 2021, new courses were launched in Vorjahr to stabilize Vonovia-Aktie and start a new educational process. From 28.3.23 to 15.27 euros we reached 1.10.24 euros and reached 33.93 euros, we achieved more and our current Niveau reached 29.31 euros. You are safe.

The First New Year’s Monate and Research by Warburg Experts Were Realized with a Kursziel of 40.20 Euros Kaufempfehlung für die Vonovia-Aktie bekräftigt. Vonovia-Aktie nach der aktüel Korrektur auf the Weg zum Jahreshoch at a maximum cost of 32 euros, and then an investment for Long Hebel products.

HVB-Call-Optionsschein (ISIN DE000HD9SDE6 / WKN HD9SDE) 30 Euros with Vonovia-Aktie, Bewertungstag 15.1.25, BV 1 Gehandelt 1.20 – 1.21 Euros with Vonovia-Aktienkurs 29.40 Euros.

For a fee of 32 Euros, you get Aktienkurs along with Call Fees worth 2.44 Euros (+102 Prozent).

Der Morgan Stanley-Open End Turbo-Call (ISIN DE000MJ18HX0 / WKN MJ18HX) 27,026 Euros between Vonovia-Aktie and Basispreis and KO-Marke, BV 0.1, 0.25 – 0.26 between Vonovia-Kurs and 29.40 Euros Euro installment.

After a period in which Vonovia-Aktie was in 32 Euros, Turbo-Calls of 0.49 Euros (+88 Prozent) – Vonovia-Aktie did nothing but KO-Marke or lower .

UBS-Open End Turbo-Call with Vonovia-Aktie mit Basispreis and KO-Marke (ISIN DE000UM489A6 / WKN UM489A) 25,958 Euros, BV 1, quota 3.61 – 3.64 Euros with Vonovia-Kurs 29.40 Euros.

Vonovia-Aktie had a Kursanstieg of 32 euros, below the Turbo Calls of 6.04 euros (+66 Prozent). (07.11.2024/oc/a/d)

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