
Iran Gerät as Trump-Wahl Gives to Druck – News

Iran Gerät as Trump-Wahl Gives to Druck – News

Donald Trump’s Wahlsieg left Nahen Osten with a new card. Aufpassen should also have Iran.

Donald Trump has embarked on a new anti-Iran policy. This is one of the best and most efficient services regarding Sanktionen in Tehran. I’m Wahlkampf, speaking to an Israeli Angriff via the Iranian Atomic Program. One of them drew a plan of a nun and that was a realistic word for you.

Die gesamte Abwehrstrategie des Irans is in Frage gestellt.

As a result of the Israeli-American War, Iran saluted Jérome Drevon, Analyst and Dschihadismus Expert of Denkfabrik International Crisis Group (ICG), as part of the Atom Reaktoren. Strategie became more fundamental with four Säulen Langerraketen, strengthened Hisbollah and Milizen, and formed the most advanced Wirkung of the Atomprograms.

In Wochen and Monaten, Drevon has two main legend geschwächt: He has no idea of ​​the Personal Sensibility of Hisbullah-Miliz, he is extremely close to the sondergleichen in Bezug with his Milis Know-how and Strategic Vision.

Iran cannot have such a large production style that Israel can produce.

Fabian Hinz from the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in Berlin. Technical information regarding Flaschenhälse in production was obtained. Iran cannot have such a large production style that Israel can produce.

Die Frage sei nungen, über wie viele Raketen Iran noch verfüge, doch darüber pregnant es nur Schätzungen, ie Hinz. Die USA gingen von ungefähr 3000 Raketen aus, wvon bereits 330 abgeschossen seien: «Diese Olmaintliche Endlichkeit des iranischen Raketenarsenals, gekoppelt mit der Schwächung der Hisbullah-Miliz, schadet der iranischen Abschreckungstektif enorm.»

Waffensystem has complete defense and can have better security and better performance.

Israel cannot deal with Angriffe relatively effectively with the US-Luftabwehrsystems “Iron Dome”. Diese Abwehrsysteme, Israel Kriegsführung gegen die libanesische Hisbollah dengan Iran dengan: “The Waffensystem has a complete defence, and it has a better defence, it has a better understanding.”

Die Gefahr an Ascension is with Wahlausgang in the USA. Trump needs to do everything.

Israel’s Freedom prompted Donald Trump to strike a deal between Weisse Haus and ICG Analyst Jérome Drevon. Trump’s Wiederwahl Increased Nahen Osten’s Ascension Potential. Bei Trump said that he did nothing, everything was going well and he knew everything.

More collaborations with Westen?

Iran has recently been seen to have a strategic strategy. A new and better Raketen system could be better established or further strengthened with nuclear weapons, according to Fabian Hinz.

Jérome Drevon took an atomized approach, allowing the ICG to actually benefit from the Iran Strategy. Iran has many countries, which are also part of Israel’s nuclear program.


Der iranische Präsident Massoud Peseschkian und einer Regierungssitzung am 3. In Tehran on November.

Imago images / Zuma Press Wire

There is one more nightly option in Iran: The records allow for greater payments as well as greater cooperation with Western countries. Die new Regierung von Massoud Peseschkian is a very good opportunity for Verhandlungen. This situation looks very bad in the new US Administration.