
Herz bei WhatsApp: Das passiert, wenn ihr drauf drückt

Herz bei WhatsApp: Das passiert, wenn ihr drauf drückt


Messenger WhatsApp has a new button. Even though it was very true, we had a hard time finding it and were very passive.

WhatsApp is activated with a new button.

WhatsApp is activated with a new button. (Quelle: WhatsApp, Move_On/; Assembly: Netzwelt)

Der Messenger WhatsApp Hat mal wieder einen neuen Button ein. In both cases there is a communication situation, and once again this has come down to a major incident. Was it hat es damit auf sich?

Einem Blogbeitrag von WhatsApp You can use this button using a Situation analogy. Dann wird das Herz grün. Anders is also on Facebook and has no Likes anywhere and is not surfing anywhere. The communication LED and improved Status are the most important features of Messenger.

Situation simulation and person signs

It dies, it is nothing new, it dies with the use of WhatsApp with Status Meldungen. You can contact a person in the situation. Personal Data does not provide any information about valuable individuals and is not valid for establishing a new contact, as well as for obtaining further information.

New functions will be available every night in no time, it will take much more time. WhatsApp can be used at its best once again and again to deliver more content.

Das You can always chat with Emoji. Dort was something Herz memorized.

Herz-Button is not a new feature in WhatsApp. Im going to use Hauptmenü des Messengers eines “+”-Symbols for Organizing the Chat sorgen. Ebenso findet ihr bei Status-Meldungen nun ein “@”-Zeichen. This was nothing more than publishing the article.

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