
Heute in the EU Parliament: “Maturaprüfung” for Kommissarsjob

Heute in the EU Parliament: “Maturaprüfung” for Kommissarsjob

Quick access, as part of Magnus Brunner: With the Hearing Agreement in the EU Parliament, finally at the EU Commissioner Post Office, is nothing more than a new Ausschuss with a new name “LIBE”. (Ausschuss für bürgerliche Freiheiten, Justiz und Inneres), der für den Österreicher zuständig ist. Der Entwicklungsausschuss is dabei in Gast. Zum Vergleich: Der Franzose Stéfane Séjourné, und Exekutiv-Vizepräsidenten vorgesehen ist, wird von vier ordentlichen und weiteren vier Gast-Ausschüssen, in Mangel genome.

It is possible that Brunner received nothing from the Wackelkandidaten Group and that the “Migration and Inclusions” Dossier was once again addressed and informed about the interior of this piece as well. all and all are einfach werden. Brunner Neuland: A place in Brussels with Augenblick is a resort that, along with Finanzwesen, is one of the best Umfeld has to offer and is a much better choice. Designing a Migration Commission with an expert is also a must.

“Patriot” warned Brunner

Brunner did not establish a relationship between Stimmen’s new Kandidaten and Durchbringen, with a conservative EVP-Fraktion of the Social Democrats and Liberals coming together. Zusätzlich saved Brunner from Grünen Stimmen, or later EKR-Fraktion. Die Fraktionen im EU-Parlamento, sich mehrheitlich bedeckt, wie sie abstimmen wollen. Die Fraktion “Patrioten für Europa” warned Brunner with an FPÖ-Sprecher. FPÖ-Abgeordnete Petra Steger, Mitglied in LIBE-Ausschuss took part in an Aussendung, Brunner said there was a Kandidat of the Bürger and the more inland Sicherheit on the Bereich Migration. Dazu mangelt es ihm sowohl und Erfahrung als auch an Kompetenz, dieses beide für dieses Schlüsselressort unerlässlich sind.“

Once again, the Commission Committee of the EU Parliament was not blocked in any way, and once again this did not provide a good service. Much of the backstage is dominated by the Italian Brotherhood Party of Spain’s Kandidat Teresa Ribera Rodriguez and Italy’s Raffaele Fitto von Giorgia Melonis. Besides a nice experience, the fact that Fitto always returns in the best way can make Ribera even more enjoyable. There are also names such as Oliver Varhelyi (Ungarn) and Marta Kos (Slowenien).