
Ampel-Aus in Germany – Wird Scholz jetzt to Europe with “lahmen Ente”? – Politics

Ampel-Aus in Germany – Wird Scholz jetzt to Europe with “lahmen Ente”? – Politics

Budapest (dpa) – Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz was very heavy for the first time, but he was not good at all. Freitagmorgen is one of the best nights of Ampel-Crash in Berlin, along with the Donau Hotels in the Dachterrasse as well as our three-camera hotel in the Burg Kulisse der Burg. Continuation of the EU-Gipfels Program is routine.

Es gehe um den Wahlsieg Trumps, Europe Müsse jetzt enger zusammenrücken, seine Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken, sagte Scholz. Two minutes and 40 seconds, Fragen took part in the Puskas Stadium in Beratungen and the 27 Staats and Regierungschefs of the EU.

Scholz is located between Regierungs-Turbulenzen and Verspätung, the largest country in the Budapest Hauptstadt. The largest Gipfel of the European Political Gemeinschaft with Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj in Ukraine is a Turbulent city in Berlin. Due to the unstable situation of Donnerstag in the battle of Rande Thema in Germany, the recordings had to be terminated and repaired for the first time in Abendessen.

Scholz, a diplomat had a gewächt gewirkt about the dabei war. International Medinecho performs well amid Ampel-Crash’s wartime moments of fragile world politics. Ausgerechnet and dem Tag, once in a while America Donald Trump has great potential with his large European Volkswirtschaft Regierung, which includes Tenor. “Gestern Abend ist Germany Politisch zur lame duck, zur lahmen Ente, geworden, mit einer Regierung, die wahrscheinlich nicht regierungsfähig ist ve deren Schicksal besiegelt scheint“, schrieb etwa die italienische “La Stampa” nach dem derswürdigen Mittwochabend, an dem die Regierungskoalition zerbrach.

Außenpolitisches Tagesgeschäft läuft normal weiter

Thinking about how Rolle and Ansehen behaved so dramatically on Earth? Scholz signed up to a very flimsy logbook and said the Opposition could not have known more. For further politics, Scholz joined the Mehrheit of the Parliament. Registrations and Migrations result from US-Mittelstreckenraketen in Germany as part of the Bundestag in Germany or US-Mittelstreckenraketen’s transits with other states in Israel.

Today, the Parliament has no warnings – we are also talking about a milliarden for Ukraine. This takes place in the Ampel-Verhandlungen zuletzt erneut die Schuldenbremse aussetzen. I am Ende zerbrach die Koalition.

Dringen from EU Partner Tempo bei Neuwahlen

AB in Brussels and Hauptstädten and Mitgliedstaaten in Etlichen stopped Bedauern in Ampel-Aus in Grenzen. During this period, the wars in Germany were often frustrating, these issues remained in them for a long time, first in discussions about the positions of the SPD, FDP and Grünen – but nothing happened.

Fortschritte Schnelle Schnelle, within the EU Project, strengthened the great Noble Reformation, Lieferkettenkettengesetz or strengthening Klima Schutz for the Automobile Industry. The “German Vote” exists in Brussels and continues with Deutschland accepting the Streitigkeiten in the Coalition as Abstimmung enthält.

“Europe is not Germany’s stark nicht stark ohne,” warns Roberta Metsola, parliamentary präsidentin. (Photo: Petr Josek/AP/dpa)

This led to a major party being held, as part of Scholz’s, as part of conservatory policies in Europe. “Ich rufe zu politischer Stabilität auf und appelliere anle Akteure, verantwortungsvoll zu handeln”, präsidentin of the EU Parliament at Roberta Metsola in Budapest. “Europe is nothing like Germany. Das ist wichtig für uns.“ Staats- und Regierungschefs äußerten sich ähnlich. “Ich hoffe (…) auf eine deutsche Lösung, so schnell wie möglich”, sagte Schwedens Regierungschef Ulf Kristersson. Innenpolitische Turbulenzen , seen on jedem Land problematisch.

Scholz did not suit Brückenbauer – Von der Leyen could not join Merz hoffen

Im Europäischen Rat, dem Gremium der Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU-Staaten, with Scholz staying away from a conservative political crisis. I think Angela Merkel of the CDU Scholz has a better theme than a big Brückenbauer.

Most of the Kanz’s diplomats appeared from time to time with a small team involved in the Frankreich’s most important projects. Be interested in getting a position directly, with a single diploma, without expecting anything, without doing anything.

Did Derzeit join Scholz? Frankreich’s Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron is Gipfel in Gespräch with Schwedens Regierungschef Ulf Kristersson. (Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa)

The Kanzlers’ Version of the Frankreichs Prasident Emmanuel Macron was thanks to the new and beautiful structural arrangements of the Gipfelteilnehmern. We signed a project with a “Germany Engine” for projects in Europe, in which Scholz and Macron participated in Brussels.

Ampel-Aus was weak in Hoffnung in Brussels, a large EU Project with numerous Asilsistem Verschärfung and new long-term cooling systems can be used with any breach package.

Wegen der Streitigkeiten in the German Regierung, Vorschläge, which is also the top EU Commission concrete, is not part of the Federal Republic of Germany – it is also in Spatherbst or Winter break. Jahres.

Falling from Neuwahlen, I may design a project during the next summer vacation. EU Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen may agree with Germany’s Friedrich Merz and a new member, Kanzler.

Never traurig sein, wenn es in ihrer Heimat schnell zu Neuwahlen kommt: EU-Commissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen. (Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa)

Vertrauensfrage fünf Tage vor Trump

After Scholz-Plan, we reached Weile dauern for another night. Private will die while standing on January 15th. January – for Trump to be good to the Weiße Haus. Dann passiert, weiß noch niemand. Aussetzung der Ukraine-Hilfe? Friedensgespräche with Putin? Handelskrieg mit der EU? Are we a new part of China?

Europe got a much bigger and better state with Germany, and not much work was done on the Parliament’s political ledger. Scholz tatsächlich as “lame duck” gel and allowed Land to Wahlkampfphase vor sich much more.

Wahrscheinlichste Wahltermin was at 30. March. Sollte Scholz, with the permission of Wahl, the new Bundestag Constituents can also be considered more geschäftsführender with an Entscheidungen of the Absprachen that has never been more informed. This is also a jedenfalls üblich. Coalitions can be used on two Monates per day or longer. Then a man ganz schnell in Mai or Juni.

The opposition came after Druck’s latest move. It was submitted to Trump for approval as of January 19. I ensured that AB-Gipfels’s Ende Scholz was presented at its best. Together with a member of the Bundestag, you can use Termin to negotiate a new agreement, making a better choice once every night. “Thus, a great demokratisches Fest haben ve das gelingt am besten, wenn alle gemeinsam zur Party schreiten”, i.e.

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