
NFL in München: US-Consul Miller in Interview | Sport

NFL in München: US-Consul Miller in Interview | Sport

New US Representative in Munich: Dr. James Miller (51) sees Nachfolge von Timothy E. Liston as General Counsel in September – Jahren Pause is among the Best Sports in the USA with Wieder Teams. bayerischen Landeshauptstadt gastierten.

Here is the Interview vor dem NFL-Game Carolina Panthers brought Sonntag together with New York Giants (15.30 Uhr, RTL live)

BILD: Mr. Miller, first in Eishockey beat the Buffalo Sabers, New York Giants and Carolina Panthers in the NFL Game and in Sontag: You brought together US-Sports in the first Monaten Ihrer Amtszeit in München ?

Dr. James Miller: A new war has begun in the former SAP Garden. And we can achieve that by being part of the NFL Game. Attend a major sporting event to kick off a new US Consulate General in München!

BILD: Are we going to do something?

Miller: In the NFL, as well as the teams, there are important things like sports, fairness and excellence. But Spiel never won, he achieved so much, not one German and not one American fan sat in the Allianz Arena. Football kann Grenzen überwinden und Menschen aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten miteinander verb. This is Sports Diplomacy Feinsten and damn it belongs to Demokratie. People to People Connections are unresolved in national and social networks and elsewhere.

“Das Engagement des FC Bayern beeindruckt mich sehr”

BILD: Welches Ihr Lieblingsteam?

Miller: American Football is my go-to for the New England Patriots and training with other teams. I am a big football fan and the game is the best Kindheit for me. FC Bayern is a good and successful team in the USA. FC Bayern’s participation in a scrimmage and a lucky break for all men was also effective in Germany and internationally.

BILD: What is sport for Beziehungen zwischen in Germany and the USA, with Wieder-Wahl meeting with Donald Trump?

Miller: Sports Diplomacy has a very broad background and is one of the best and best sources of trans-Atlantic Beziehungen, far from the Regierung. Teamwork for Sport, Sport and Luck for Everything – Werte, Mittelpunkt is far from ideal democratic ideals. Sports diplomacy is a culturally important culture in Zeiten, a global global crisis.

BILD: Also gegenwärtig.

Miller: Likewise, Sport has many features, both Hass and Extremismus failed for fair and aggressive participation, as in the USA and Germany. Diese zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen bilden den Kern unserer transatlantischen Freundschaft und werden auch in Zukunft Bestand haben.

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What happened? BILD/Interwetten

BILD: Welche Möglichkeiten Sie, deutsch-amerikanische Sportbeziehungen auszubauen?

Miller: Ich bin überzeugt, dass die NFL wird a Erfolgsgeschichte bleiben wird in Germany. American sports are a great art to the world, culture and culture. Deutschland is one of the best Markts of US-Sport. I am also very happy, so I am one of the best times of US-Sports at Bayern.

BILD: Well, have you thought about that?

Miller: It’s a very simple, democratic world and the priorities include: Sicherheit, Freiheit and Wohlstand. I arranged a lot to a Stärkung in People-to-People-Verbindungen and made Grundlage for another transatlantic Freundschaft bilden. Der Sport once again played an important role.